Reindeer hides how are they tanned?

I am interested/curious in knowing what method they are using to tan the Reindeer hides as I have heard that they shed and wanted to know if its the type of tanning they get as to why they shed hair...
Also interested to hear if you have one that does not shed and how that was tanned...


Full Member
Mar 12, 2011
I am interested/curious in knowing what method they are using to tan the Reindeer hides as I have heard that they shed and wanted to know if its the type of tanning they get as to why they shed hair...

Commercially tanned hides are most probably chrome tanned, while traditionally in Lapland the hides were not tanned at all or tanned with willow. I do not know if the chrome is to be blaimed but as I have written before, the sleeping hides were always untanned, dried hides.


May 4, 2010
Copenhagen, Denmark
I can in no way back it up with any source, but my theory is that it is not the leather letting go of the hair, it is the hair breaking. I guess everyone here has seen the film clip of Ray Mears showing that you can recognize deer hair by how easy it is to pull in two. This lead me to believe that the hair is not coming out, but rather breaking of. I could be completely wrong. I have had a traditionally dried hide, which shed and a very expensive tanned, which also shed... sigh.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2011
I have had a traditionally dried hide, which shed and a very expensive tanned, which also shed... sigh.

Any hide will shed but more if it is tanned. The hide will start to shed large amount of hairs very easily when the decomposition starts and this is why the hides should be dried as soon as possible.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
I bought one a few years back from Sweden which was tanned then treated with silicone and the hair still fell out in clumps it was a nightmare waking up every morning with reindeer hair everywhere and I mean everywhere


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 15, 2010
The hairs are very weak, it takes a tiny amount of force to snap them. I was surprised when I first tested some, maybe the tanning process weakens the hairs-its definitely not pulling out of the hide anymore than snapping.

The one I'm cutting up at the moment to make into mitts sheds very easily, it won't handle much rough work but I believe its servicable for a good while under normal use.

The Sami must be able to tell which does have mated that season by the bald spot on their backs!


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