So, with my current Rat problem, I realise how much I regret giving away my HW100 air rifle and selling my s410 rifle, tank and adapter cheap. I really wish I had them now, especially the HW100, I miss that gun, especially as the old Meteor I've put a through pellets through in my anti-rat campaign has spilt its guts...
So, it got me thinking about all the stuff we sell or give away that we end up regretting, I can't afford to replace a rifle, hence I wish I still had it, how about you guys, what things do you wish you'd kept hold of and why?
So, it got me thinking about all the stuff we sell or give away that we end up regretting, I can't afford to replace a rifle, hence I wish I still had it, how about you guys, what things do you wish you'd kept hold of and why?