I have a pair of Raichle Mountain Trail GTX with a disintegrating midsole, to regularly glue it all up with two glues ; Stormsure ( formulated for repairing wellies and wet suits) and Klebfest, ( a strong waterproof contact adhesive with a long curing time designed for the shoe repair industry) both available on ebay, the Stormsure of which isn't cheap in the heavy stress areas and Klebfest in the lighter areas.I just noticed that the soles on my very gently used German army boots from the surplus store have pretty much detached completely! The outer sole itself is fine, as is the leather boot, but the middle bit has gone completely. Does anyone know of something that I can use to reattach the soles?
They only get used for dog walking when the weather is foul and the occasional trip to the woods, so I would have expected years more use out of them. The only marking on them is the word "Bund".
Loathe to bin the boots as well they are most comfortable boots I have ever had, even GTX lined but the midsole is shot and aside from perhaps twice a year going at 'em with the above mentioned glues I am at a loss with what to do about a rotten midsole. - the tread and upper is however fine.
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