I feel a thread revival coming on...
Lots of spiders (but then I go looking for them), Saw Callilepis nocturna, first record for over 100 years from its original site in Devon, discovered the Fen Raft Spider (one of only 2 protected spider species in the UK) at only the third site in the UK, and added the harvestman Centetestoma to the UK species list (at the time we thought it was new to science). Lots of others.
Have seen Scaly cricket at one of its 2 UK locations, Skomer vole, manx shearwater, glow-worm, silurian moth (only occurs in a single valley in South Wales), osprey...
I'd better stop.
Oh, one quick story. A mate of mine who knows moths found the caterpillar of a moth believed to be extinct in the UK. He reported his find, and then requested protection for the site from the local council, on the basis of it being exceptionally rare. The local council replied that species protection was based on rarity, and since the species was officially known to be extinct, it had no protection status. :11doh:
Lots of spiders (but then I go looking for them), Saw Callilepis nocturna, first record for over 100 years from its original site in Devon, discovered the Fen Raft Spider (one of only 2 protected spider species in the UK) at only the third site in the UK, and added the harvestman Centetestoma to the UK species list (at the time we thought it was new to science). Lots of others.
Have seen Scaly cricket at one of its 2 UK locations, Skomer vole, manx shearwater, glow-worm, silurian moth (only occurs in a single valley in South Wales), osprey...
I'd better stop.
Oh, one quick story. A mate of mine who knows moths found the caterpillar of a moth believed to be extinct in the UK. He reported his find, and then requested protection for the site from the local council, on the basis of it being exceptionally rare. The local council replied that species protection was based on rarity, and since the species was officially known to be extinct, it had no protection status. :11doh: