Primitive bows: what is your...?


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Oct 12, 2005
Balcombes Copse
Hi Firemaker

Not got a particular preference, though i tend to produce ELB style bows as I have a natural tendency to design like that.

having said that, have just roughed out and am begining to tiller a flat bow from oak. It will be 2" at the fades down to 1/4" at the nocks. 70" N to N. It's either for my brother-in-law who wants a second bow, or if it's very good, a first bow for my best mate :D

As to your other posts...they tend to be self and not sinew-backed....but have just linen-backed an earlier bow to extend it's usable life....I'm afraid i don't flint-knap, for no other reason than I haven'y got 'round to it....and my draw length is 28"....I shoot depending on my mood any weight between 50 - 70#


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 13, 2004
I've tried a few recurved bows but at the moment I'm really drawn to simple straight stave bows, elbs, D bows and flat bows. I've just glued up what will be a pyramid bow, some very dense mystery wood as the core with bamboo back. I'm starting it off at 72", 1 3/4" at the fades, and if it doesn't explode I'll try and pike it down to 66". I've also just got hold of a short (55") osage stave which may become a plains style flat bow, have to take the sapwood off it and see what it wants to be first.


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