Possible beach,foraging id trip.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Just thought i would put up a post to judge if there's any interest in this(put in out and about, rather than meet up's as its just a idea for now)My brother is looking to visit me in July and having just spoke to him i asked would he do a beach foraging/id'ing talk when he's up as we always have a few days beach camping when he's here, and i thought it would be a good idea to see if anyone fancies joining us.
Basically it would be along the lines of

(excuse my spelling he was telling me this over phone)
sub tidal foraging-snorkeling,laying baited lines,possibly spearfishing he's very good at getting lobster.

low shore intertidal foraging /id'ing within the kelp zone

food id'ing eg,
macro algae
bi valves
marine vertebrates. basically whats edible whats not, names types etc that sort of thing,
and maybe a wee beach barbie at the end of it.

(he's a Marine biologist and a diver ) looking for up to about 4 ish guys in the area if anyone's interested just let me know and if it comes off i will give you dates etc, hopefully he will be joining this site soon(he has registered) and he can answer any questions a damn site better than me.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
Sounds ideal. :)

If I win the Lottery big one any time soon, we can adjourn it to warmer climes. I'll foot the bill.

If I haven't won the big lottery by then, I dinny mind doing the cooking. :)


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
Do you know when in July? I may be tempted to fly up.

I Hope your going to go to town with a camera and do a full report?


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Liam you will see the place this weekend(though dont look to me for any knowledge) if you enjoy it your welcome to come again in the summer.
TeeDee, i do know dates it will be 3rd week end ish of july reason im not being exact at mo is because its only a feeler and we are planning, plus my brother has to make sure he get's those dates off before its confirmed as it would be no use without, but if it happens will defo get some pics and a post up.Im am also working at the very remote possibilty of getting dropped off by boat and picked up again but this is a big hopefully.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
Liam you will see the place this weekend(though dont look to me for any knowledge) if you enjoy it your welcome to come again in the summer.

I'm looking forward to it Andy. :)

Is it advisable/possible to collect seaweed, mussels etc from the area around your area? Does Torness have any effect down there?

We can't collect from the foreshore up here on the River Forth. There is a blanket ban on, due to radioactive paint and instrument panels from WWII being dumped around Dalgety Bay at War's end, and the worry about past Sub' work across from me at Rosyth.

All the best

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Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Liam, there was a ban on mussels last year but that was due to a algae issue or so i was informed i dont think the currents from Torness come this way,(by the way her in doors used to work there,and she does glow in the dark!) i will check up on this, ive eaten lobster caught there and limpets although id rather not eat the latter again as i really dont care for them, and a mate of my brother lived there for 3 days last year (works with him) and he only ate what he'd foraged the whole time, he caught fish,had various seaweed,blackberries from back of bay etc, so if there's a issue with bi valves there's plenty more to be had.Steve(rb) pm sent.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
Thanks for the reply Andy.

Aye, I've eaten Lobster etc from the Forth too and no problems so far....


I think algae bloom was mentioned up here too. Bi valves, seaweed etc tend to concentrate the toxins they've taken in, which is the worry.

I cycled for years in traffic so the damage has probably already been done. :D

I "Google Earthed" the area after the foto you sent, I never knew there was a Coldingham Loch. My family lived in bungaloes at Lawfield, Coldingham and I used to walk down to the Sands and up to St. Abbs head and beyond. Fantastic bit of coast.

I read a historical thing on the web last year and the U Boat activity, trawlers lost to mines etc., in your area was astonishing, hushed up for many years. Can't remember the link though, but it was engrossing.

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Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
the guys who've been can vouch for the fact there wrecks round there, there's a bit of the SS Odense on this very beach(not much now) and part's are scattered along this coast ive seen its boilers (when snorkeling) which are 2 miles south near pettico wick, it was hit by a torpedo in the first world war,and broke up on the rocks.
Also last year a U boat from WW1, was located off the coast round here, there are two loch's round here, loch mire and coldingham loch(trout fishing loch i think), both very small as loch's go.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
the guys who've been can vouch for the fact there wrecks round there, there's a bit of the SS Odense on this very beach(not much now) and part's are scattered along this coast ive seen its boilers (when snorkeling) which are 2 miles south near pettico wick, it was hit by a torpedo in the first world war,and broke up on the rocks.
Also last year a U boat from WW1, was located off the coast round here, there are two loch's round here, loch mire and coldingham loch(trout fishing loch i think), both very small as loch's go.

Andy I was amazed by the wreck history down your neck of the woods. I know that it's a favoured place by Divers due to the large shelf there etc., but stumbled upon the wreck history by accident.

I was asked by an auld fella's family to chase up folks (Wartime Romance) in my Home town of Bo'ness, as he'd served there when the Dock/Harbour area was known as HMS Stopford for Landing Craft prior to the Normandy invasion in 1944.

While digging into this it led me by chance to Leith, the mouth of the Firth of Forth and Coldingham.

Absolutely fascinating. Didn't know about the WW1 wreck though!!! :eek:


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Been to Bo'ness a few times i used to do events there on the Steam railway( i was a WW2 re-enactor about 4yrs ago)this whole area had lots of wartime secrets a old guy who was in the home guard told us during one event of the many hidden bunkers and defence's around here, down at Aberlady bay the old concrete tank traps are still in the dunes with dates and names on them(when they where wet after whilst being made) dated 1940. Plus there are tunnels and bunkers(been in some,some are flooded) around east fortune air field.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
Been to Bo'ness a few times i used to do events there on the Steam railway( i was a WW2 re-enactor about 4yrs ago)this whole area had lots of wartime secrets a old guy who was in the home guard told us during one event of the many hidden bunkers and defence's around here, down at Aberlady bay the old concrete tank traps are still in the dunes with dates and names on them(when they where wet after whilst being made) dated 1940. Plus there are tunnels and bunkers(been in some,some are flooded) around east fortune air field.

No way!!!??

I worked on the Railway there at the Dock!!! What used to be the old LNER Railway Dock etc, was refurbished in the mid 80's.

I was part of a YOP (Youth Opportunities Program) team doing that before I joined up.

What a small world, we're going to talk each other's ears off this weekend!!

I canny wait hahahahaaaa... :lmao::lmao:

God help anyone within earshot, their lugs will be bleeding.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.