Just pondering

Probably as the thread is about porridge Drew,...
or are you giving us your ausome recipe for bacon sarni porridge,...?
Actually....mind Bodge's Staffordshire Oatcakes recipe ? How would that be if you fried some bacon crispy, broke it into wee bits and added it to the mix ? Maybe even some bits of sundried tomatoes and those fried and dried onions meant for salads.
Just ponderingI like my oatcakes thin and crispy and the nearest thing to Lembas on the planet
No I haven't, tbh I haven't even found any for sale nearby. I need to look up the net and find a source
I like soy milk, but it makes sweet porridge, and that's just not something I'll eat. Good idea for those that do though, it now comes in small neat individual drink sized cartonsand they last like UHT milk.