Pine bark container?


Nov 28, 2011
Having a wee leaf through Mors's book theres picture of a boiling vessel which he says can be made from Aspen, spruce or pine bark.

Just so happens i found a relatively fresh pine stum that i was going to debark anyway to promote resin saturation.

Does anyone have experience of making a bark container that could provide hints?

I'd really like to know the proper method for debarking. Which i assume is a vertical cut' hot water and a spatula to pry it off?

Also is the cambium layer to be removed or left intact?

If i'm to remove the cambium layer. Do i just dry it for future use or does the cambium need used within a short space of time?


Nov 28, 2011
Had a wee bash at this today

The pine i was going to use must have been dead too long as the bark wouldnt come of. I found a Sitka spruce that still had all the foliage on but was up at the roots.

Finding a good sized piece that wasnt full of knots was difficult. Removing the bark was difficult as it didnt want to come off in one piece. The spatula i made excells at removing the bark.

Im pretty sure boiling water may have loosened the bark better but thats a chicken and egg thing( cant have boiling water without a boiling vesel) but i got a good piece of relatively intact.

Making the thing is a 5 minute job but i neglected to remove the outer bark and cracked the container along the fold liines, this is easily remedied with pine resin though.

Going to make another one tommorow but ill remove the outer bark and use a rectangular piece instead of the square piece i used as it looks quite crude.

I'dpost a pic but im unsure how to do so from my mobile


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