Pimp my tarp


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
I decided that my decathlon tarp needed some improving due to the low number of fixing points and only one suspension point along the ridge line.

After thinking about it I got some green nylon from an old tent, cut it up into some triangles to make reinforcement points. What to use for the actual tape stumped me for a while as I couldn't find anything suitable in my local shops. I'd popped into my local outdoors shop to see if they had anything when it dawned on me.... BOOT LACES!! So bought a pair of 150cm laces. Cut them up and bingo... it was perfect.

It's now got a total of 19 loops, 12 up on what was there before. I've also applied silicon sealant on the inside of the tarp where the 2 extra ridge tapes are so nothing should come through there.

I've now got a tarp that is much more versatile and can be put up in a number of different permutations as the situation requires. Total time spent on it about 3 hours in all. Cost? Tarp is £19.99, nylon I already had, laces £2.50 and the silicon sealant I bought for that and another bigger job so neglible cost.

Here it is up in my garden. Not quite tight as I want but I was cramped for space.

One of the new fixing points on the outside

Another view of a fixing point from the underside

And a slightly messy pic of where I applied the silcon sealant. The tube does say it dries translucent so it shouldn't be so bold when I use it.


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
What a great idea, i've been hunting round the shops looking for tape of some description for the exact same reason, so it looks like a trip to Wooly's tomorrow for a set of boot laces for me.
Thanks for that buddy brilliant bit of thinking!


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
What a great idea, i've been hunting round the shops looking for tape of some description for the exact same reason, so it looks like a trip to Wooly's tomorrow for a set of boot laces for me.
Thanks for that buddy brilliant bit of thinking!

My pleasure Sniper. I must admit I'd been looking round for sometime and had my mind set on nylon webbing and I felt a right idiot for not thinking of it sooner.

I cut them down into 30cm lengths then doubled over mean I have loops that are about 10cm. That meant I didn't have quite enough to do the ridge points so my loving wife sacrificed a pair of her trainer laces to the good cause :D


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
Does she know yet? Was wondering if plastic twine or paracord would work the same. Like you I've been looking for the right kind of tape for some time but again like you no luck. I would never have thought of using laces.


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