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Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
Having been diagnosed with yet another problem last summer, hiatus hernia and Gerd (acid reflux) last summer, I have found a camping problem.
Normaly I use a hammock, and found no problems as I could raise the head end a bit more, and with a small hone made pillow, sleep perfectly comfortably with no problems.
Trip plans for this year, are well under way, and a treckology mat bought for small tent comfort.
Trying out the mat in the living room floor last night with my normal camp pillow, and I was getting problems with rather nasty reflux ,that even meds were not keeping on top of, so I had to go fetch my 3 bedroom pillows to get relief.
Obviously, I can't take them in a rucksack, too heavy and bulky, so I'm wondering if anyone can recommend anything, a decent tall blow up pillow for instance, or indeed anything else.
I'm trying to treat the condition naturally with diet, and wean myself off the meds, which I've had some success with so far, but last night was just awfull. About as bad as what took me to the doc in the first place.
I did try putting clothing under the pillow, but it just kept slipping away off the end of the mat,.. I do tend to move around a fair bit when asleep for some reason.
Anyone else suffer?
Any suggestions or answers?
Help please!
Have seen travel pillows with elastic shockcord ladder on the underside to hold clothing in place.

Shouldn't be that hard to even DIY something similar.
Having been diagnosed with yet another problem last summer, hiatus hernia and Gerd (acid reflux) last summer, I have found a camping problem.
Normaly I use a hammock, and found no problems as I could raise the head end a bit more, and with a small hone made pillow, sleep perfectly comfortably with no problems.
Trip plans for this year, are well under way, and a treckology mat bought for small tent comfort.
Trying out the mat in the living room floor last night with my normal camp pillow, and I was getting problems with rather nasty reflux ,that even meds were not keeping on top of, so I had to go fetch my 3 bedroom pillows to get relief.
Obviously, I can't take them in a rucksack, too heavy and bulky, so I'm wondering if anyone can recommend anything, a decent tall blow up pillow for instance, or indeed anything else.
I'm trying to treat the condition naturally with diet, and wean myself off the meds, which I've had some success with so far, but last night was just awfull. About as bad as what took me to the doc in the first place.
I did try putting clothing under the pillow, but it just kept slipping away off the end of the mat,.. I do tend to move around a fair bit when asleep for some reason.
Anyone else suffer?
Any suggestions or answers?
Help please!
Some folk cut the body section off an old or charity shop stretchy top and slide this onto the mat and stuff the pillow and extra cloths under it. Like a large buff or boob tube it that makes sense.
I have also put a rucksack or my water proof under the head end of the mat so it’s also raised slightly.
At 82, Madame unsurprisingly has several medical problems one of which, like yours, makes high pillows necessary. At home, she uses three full-size pillows. For camping, I bought her one of the pillows Jared suggests (#2). She uses an inflatable pillow under it and a small down filled camping pillow on top. This lot is propped up by her rucksack, used as a sort of bedhead. A considerable amount of experimentation preceded this arrangement.
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I like high pillows, Woody Girl, so my solution is to take a large cotton pillow case. Beside the obvious dual uses for a linen/cotton pillow case, bandage etc:, this allows me to fold up my day clothes, including jacket/smock and put them in the pillow case. I have an inflatable pillow which then goes in on top and which in my case (Corner inflation valve) I can then inflate once it's inside the pillow case which wedges the whole stack in place and stops it coming adrift at night.
Just as an extra and purely because I have it anyway, I lay the whole filled pillow case onto my Shemagh, gather the four corners together and put an elastic band tie around them and this obviously goes down as the underneath side.
This method means less kit to carry, just the pillow case and a deflated blow up pillow and as it's all one bundle and like a normal pillow it doesn't skate around the tent at night..
Toddy, you are tough.

I take a pillow off of my bed if car camping. (virtually everything).

Pillows are very important
Thank you, I like the look of the filo pillow, but its a bit pricey for me.
I will take the idea of its construction, and as I have a cheap blow up pillow will try and use the principle to make something along those lines myself.
With my little home made hammock pillow tucked into the hood of my sleeping bag aswell, it might just be enough. I will have to see.
Still open for more solutions that anyone can suggest.

Yes tengu, pillows are very important! I don't know how I ever slept while camping without one in my youth...or is that just age and creakyness talking!
This may be difficult to carry when travelling but I'm definitely considering taking mine at some point because it's been the only pillow that has solved my terrible neck and back pains from sleeping badly. It's called groove pillows and you can search it on google. Didn't provide a link because I'm new and not sure what the rules are. But hope it helps anyone who has my pain issues.
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Well, I eventually got the treckology pillow to go with the mat, ( which was deliciously comfortable) on my bank holiday overnight on the moor . I added my little home made hammock pillow, and a thick jumper between mat and pillow, and it worked perfectly.
Thanks for all the ideas, though eventualy I found my own solution, these ideas might well have been usefull for others.
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