Other nations claim the right to bear any firearm they like is "Freedom", some claim the right to dictate what others wear or how they follow/interpret
religion, is "Freedom", while the UK, like much of N. Europe, is inclined to believe that free access to the outdoors really is "Freedom"
If only those who can afford insurance can be active outdoors then you limit it to those with extra in their budget....and in doing so you exclude most families with children.
The men who pushed for the original bothies and mountain rescue teams had no money themselves. In the 30's they walked up the hills in their wool breeks, tweed jackets and ordinary working boots. Yet those same men have left us a legacy of access that overcame every class prejudice that tried to limit the hills to the huntin' shootin' fishin' crowd.
Nowadays the Mountain Rescue teams, and all of the others, are volunteer. They are volunteer by choice, not by accident, but by choice.
They're the ones doing the work, I think we ought to listen to them and respect their choice.....well, that and see that they get enough funding to see them properly and safely equipped