With this in situation in mind (fuel shortages, mob mentality, the incumbent need for Bog Roll.....

), maybe it would be a good idea for groups of like-minded people to band together and make it known that they are able to provide for each other in times of need?
During the lockdowns, my immediate neighbours and I posted homemade leaflets through doors on our street, letting people know that if they needed assistance then they can ring one of three numbers listed and we would help them. It was only small time stuff, pick up some groceries for a pensioner, run a single mum into town for some things, move some furniture around..... we were mentally prepared for must more serious requests but they didn't materialise.
It really brought about community. During a bank holiday weekend we all sat on our driveways and shared tea and cakes, chatting into the small hours. I never thought that would be my kinda thing, but to be fair it was awesome. I now know all my neighbours names, what they do for a living and a little bit about them (stone Mason next door, a builder across the street, an ex army engineer next to the builder, a nurse, and then there's me, Jack of all trades, occasional venison provider, fisherman, DIY bloke with a veg garden....
If such an 'online' community were to exist, in times of need, that community could band together and share knowledge, equipment, experiences...... (in babbling all this I realise that our forum is already such a community, but would it reach so far as to actually helping a person unknown to them other than being a forum avatar?)
Food for thought I suppose........
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