Perfumed cat pee


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 27, 2004
Monterey Peninsula, Ca., USA
AKA Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey. When the brown truck brought the package to the door, I didn't have a clue what the heck it was, so I layed it on the wifes computer desk and went on about my business. When she got home, she opened it and handed me a small metal tin. I was excited when I saw the tin. I'd heard that it was the best honey in the entire world. So, I poped the top off and found a foil covering the nectar. Once I got the foil off (using my SAK), I saw that the honey looks like it's a butter consistency, so I grabbed a tablespoon and lined it with the thick, mouthwatering honey. Then I took a small taste. :eek: My GOD, I know it isn't possible, but............ I think it's gone bad. :confused: Then I took another small taste. And then another. Hmmm, not so bad, so I clean off the spoon and get another spoonful and gobble it down. Then I get a clean spoon and take it next door to a friend, who is also the handyman in our Apt. building. He took a taste and gave the spoon to his wife, who after tasting said, ewwwwww, it tastes just like perfumed cat pee. :lmao: It is a very strong flavored honey, but once I got past the first couple of tastes, it started tasting very good. Might not be for the average joe, but I'd recommend it to those that love honey and have an adventurous spirit. :D


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
Now, when I saw the thread title, I thought it was going to be about American beer...... :)


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Afew years back they were trying to flood the Leatherwood valley for hydro electric to smelt Bauxite--as if the world hasn't enough Aluminium!
I think David Belamy was part of the protest and got arrested
It's my favourite on home made wholemeal toast
cheers Danny


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