out for a stroll/mini review


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
I thought id get out for a stroll,and whilst at it try out my new hexi cooker from backpacking light, its the light and extremely small titanium folding esbit burner(i used hexi's) Set off in the afternoon about 1pm,its been a bad week my kids have had the winter vomiting bug so its been stressfull a bit of fresh air was needed.

heading for coast,


it takes about 30 mins walking to get to the bit of deserted coast,


once im at the coast there's a tricky bit of a slope to deal with,


once at the bottom the bottom of the cliff i came across a young calf that had'nt been so lucky, actualy its not to bad mostly grassy slopes, poor cow must have lost its footing in the bad weather weve had here.


Right time for a brew i set up the little burner its so small a full hexi wont fit the tray so i broke one up and put about 3/4 of a block in the tray,


then got it burning,


took about 5mins to reach full boil,


time for a coffee, my old military mug hold about 1/2 a pint so not a bad time really


after that the hexi continued to burn for about 15mins i could of boiled 3 times the amount,


once it had finished burning i folded it up and placed it next to a sigg bottle top to give a idea of size, its also incredibly light,


ive camped on this beach in the summer,theres plenty of drift wood available year round to get a nice fire going,


because of its remote location its a very quiet beach.


that was taken looking back up at some of the cliffs,

well time to start heading home as the light is starting to fade,


five minutes to home and the sun was just going down.


all in all i had a good walk and found the little titanium burner worked well,(i have no connection to backpacking light) for some one who wants a small light hexi burner i dont think they get much smaller or lighter than this!


Sep 23, 2008
What a fantastic little stove! I had similar that ran on gas, cost me 50p off a bootsale but was minus a regulator. I bodged a blow torch on to it which meant I could use blow torch bottles, I also found a way to use the big camping gaz bottles by putting a bit of grit on the valve! Alas, I got wax in the jet and knackered it when I tried to clear it, only needs a new jet but I've since spent £80 on an msr dragonfly.

Anyway, lovely spot, I might have to take a jaunt to the seaside - maybe even a spot of fishing!


Mar 16, 2008
Nice trip and stove review, I enjoyed reading that, after being in the crush of central London today, your post was truly a breath of fresh air.

Many thanks.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Cheers guys,
The beach i go on is best seen/used in the summer when tides arent so high, its great for giving shell fish and the likes a try, the sea is full of edible crab,and lobster but they are very hard to catch as we only take snorkelling kit,and of course limpits and mussles,although im not to keen on them.Ive got my eye on a few wooded area's in land abit, im going to give them a recce if i get chance this week,see if i can find who the landowner is.

my brother took this pic last summer,he's a big old boy and aggressive too,he was left alone.


here's a pic of one of the wooded ares ive been looking at, although its my second choice as ive seen a bigger area further inland.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Cheers Mistwalker, most of my days out recently have been on the coast,hopefully this week i can get in land abit,and get some woodland pics,im on the lookout for a good spot for bivvying within walking distance and have a couple of options i want to check out.

stuart f

Full Member
Jan 19, 2004
Hawick, Scottish Borders
Hi Andy,nice pictures,i've had a couple of holidays in Coldingham many years ago at Scoutscroft,plus done some seafishing down towards Eyemouth. That spot you use looks nice,also some interesting pieces of driftwood there. I think i'll have to pop over sometime to have a nose about,anyway thanks for the pics.

Cheers Stuart.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
StuartF, as for the drift wood, theres the same amount again over the otherside of that pile, its a natural bottle neck and the wood get's jammed up there, my mate came up from Manchester in the summer and he took some wood away and made some shelves and a fire surround with it, if you decided pop over here, and want company or for me to show you where it is drop me a pm. Theres a great fishing bit round from that area i was snorkeling around August time and the sea was full of pollack and codling, also loads of ballan wrasse


and the occasional dogfish,


this time of year theres not much about fishing wise May through to September,is when i see the most life. last year my brother and i had just got out of the water and was making are way up to the car i heard a loud blowing sound and turned around and where we'd just been there was a pod of Minki whales.
Cheers Mistwalker, most of my days out recently have been on the coast,hopefully this week i can get in land abit,and get some woodland pics,im on the lookout for a good spot for bivvying within walking distance and have a couple of options i want to check out.

I used to live by the Ocean so I really miss the sights...the smalls and the seafood also, I always like to see pics of the sea...I look forward to your inland bivvy pics also!


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