One grumpy wet cousin...

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Sadly I think iv'e stumbled on something I didn't think possible. I called around to see my cousin today, but he wasn't in, his sister was though so I stayed for a cuppa and a chat ( she recently gave birth to a healthy baby girl, so plenty to natter about:) ). I eventually got around to asking about me cousin, and she was very shtwm at first. Eventually she told me hes been down his dads a lot lately, and has been moody for a couple of months. Bottom line is, my cousins dad is not a nice man, and for a while had nothing to do with the family if you know what I mean. He's a bad role model. on top of that she added his clothes smell "funky" as hes coming in from time to time. so i'm calling over later to have a word with him.
**also if you hear of a 54 year old man being murdered in south wales in the next week or so, don't worry, he's had it coming a long time now **
cheers for your insights mateys.


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