Old School Waterproofing



Today I waterproofed some old army surplus canvas bags
Should have taken before pictures but didnt
I had some leftover waterproofing that I had made this spring
The recipe has beeswax linseed oil pine tar and other ingredients
The mix heating up

When hot it is applied with a brush had to use a foam one as the bristle brushes eluded me
Once applied the coating is chased with a heatgun to melt/absorb it into the fabric

The bags and heatgun

I now let the bags sit in a warm room to get rid of the recipe smell as some of the ingredients dissapate
When dry they are very waterproof and it lasts quite a long while


Get you a gallon can-can be bought new at Wally or a paint store
2lbs beeswax -also can use parafin wax.
little over a quart raw linseed oil-note not boiled
1oz pinetar
real turpentine
orange oil-not needed but I use it
around 1 oz of spruce pitch-this can be omitted too
All measurements are subjective to how you make it
This stuff is flamable so be careful or use a pot of boilibg water to set the paint can in
into the can goes around a quart of linseed oil and some turpentine to thin
The beeswax is cut up and thrown in the can and heated until the wax melts
add your pinetar and stir all
add more linseed to bring the level of mixture within an inch or so to the top
when hot add in orange oil and pitch
Adding the pitch or more wax makes the finish a bit harder,adding more linseed makes it softer
I usually do this on warm summer days
Paint all your packs and such then chase the mixture with a heatgun to make it soak in
leave in a well ventillated spot for the smell to dissapateThis stuff works real well on canvas coats, packs and hats.Works real well for leather but be careful with the heatgun on leather goods
Will darken anything you treat
Remember RAW Linseed not boiled


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.