Old age does not come alone...

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I quite like the thought of a future Prof Alice Roberts picking over my bones!

My wife tried the glucosamine/chondroitin route in tablet form, it seemed to bring on IBS for her, since she stopped using them, no IBS problem. She is currently using cider vinegar tablets and drinking cherry juice. Seems to be working for her.

Whatever you try John, I hope it works out for you.

Sincere best wishes mate.


I already drink Cider Vinegar - a cap full in every glass of water I have at home....
Stock and acupuncture are looking like avenues to explore :)
Thanks all!
Surely the answer is to do what you can and enjoy it? Rheumatism and arthritis can mimic each other as I found after years of wandering pain. However I am on a new treatment that might be worth asking about. It is one of a choice of three medicines that are non-steroidal. My and the consultant's choice was for sulfasalazine.

In terms of doing what you can, at 69 and post heart attack I was pleased to be told recently by our medieval combat instructor that he was impressed at my competing with people half or less than my age in half-swording, buckler and Fiore dagger work. But, with my shoulder still aching and a prognosis of another month before real improvement I am using a rapier and annoying the hell out of some of the others who dislike the speed of a light weapon.
Sorry to hear you're suffering John. I've just turned from a sailing holiday with a friend who for years has had a dodgy shoulder - pretty much as you describe, same age as you too. Last year he but the bullet and had micro surgery, they went in through several small incisions and ground out leads of bone so tendons could move freely. It took a while for recovery, but my friend said it was well worth it, no pain and full movement - "it's like being young again" were his words.

My advise would be, that you have several painful things going on atm, which is acting in a cumulative way. Fix the shoulder with surgery. Diet, yoga, acupuncture, supplements and pain relief for the knees & back.

Good luck buddy

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John, good luck! I've had both shoulders reconstructed and both entailed lengthy lay offs and rehab to get going again. I have to say that both surgeries were successful and sorted me out. The ortho guy for shoulders in your area is Mr Cert Hodinott if you can get to see him, your gp could help to arrange this. I had a very good physio in Cardigan, I'll see if I can dig his name out,(he was on St Marys St. down near Gabriels nightclub).
I hope they rebuild you soon. Julie the wife has already had one round of surgery on her shoulder and has been waiting over a year for the follow up to fix the stuff they didn't have time for before.
Her painkiller collection has outgrown the bathroom cabinet and now fills a toolbox that we have to keep locked.
Well - I am looking out my old acupuncture friend to see what he can do, my Sports Injury pal to see what he can do and seeing a couple of other "alternative " therapists as well.
It seems that the waiting list for shoulders is over 12 months - so I will put my name down and then if other stuff works I can always come off the list ...
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone :)
I hope they rebuild you soon.

I can see it now, "We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster." Cue images of John in a pink tracksuit kayaking across a lake like a speedboat, cutting down a tree one handed with a hatchet in one swipe, friction fire lighting in a slow motion montage :)

Starring Dave Budd as Dr Rudy Wells, Mesquite as Oscar Goldman...

Seriously though, hoping you get better John.
I can see it now, "We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster." Cue images of John in a pink tracksuit kayaking across a lake like a speedboat, cutting down a tree one handed with a hatchet in one swipe, friction fire lighting in a slow motion montage :)

Starring Dave Budd as Dr Rudy Wells, Mesquite as Oscar Goldman...

Seriously though, hoping you get better John.

Faster is not always better.....
[h=2]Hunter S. Thompson > Quotes > Quotable Quote[/h] [h=1]“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”[/h]


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.