Odd email!

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Oct 2, 2004
Can any one give me the history that has lead to the email many of us have just received?

Below for your information…

Sorry guys I meant to send this a while ago.

Hi, a quick message from one BCUK member to another, there is a couple of new bushcraft resources for us first, www.bushcraftmagazine.co.uk (Bushcraft & Survival Skills Magazine) which looks like it will be a great magazine with writings from those who we regard as being the ‘masters’ in their field. The second is www.bushtruck.co.uk which is an online magazine with the articles written by Bushtruck School (I Think?) quite a basic site but some good content in the articles and after all it’s all relevant free knowledge. I’m looking to advertise my school in / on both!

Enjoy some time in the wild…


N.B. If you are concerned about the source of your email address see below:

Sorry… my turn on the soap box! I regard BCUK as a resource for us to look at for information, somewhere to check comments when looking to buy kit and a means of contacting each other. Having been one of the founder members I have always had high regard for the site, this has gradually declined, seeing over the last few years how we treat some members, seeing threads removed and some of the nasty comments we post and allow to remain. What did Ray Mears ever do to any of us?? Why did he have to take legal action? We may not all like his methods or courses but hey – live and let live! Why remove the threads from Bushtruck – O.K. so they were plugging their online magazine but its no threat to BCUK is it? Is it not good for us to know about? Isn’t that why forums are there, to promote the subject and share information? If it’s such a concern why not assign a space for people to post such threads??? More recently I am appalled at the response to the new bushcraft magazine. Let’s support such ventures! Why make accusations then remove their response? I spoke with one of their staff as I was concerned about their supposed methods who made some valid points, it seems to me that what we are allowed to see online is very one sided, we don’t see the P.M’s and emails that the new magazine had from the forum’s administration threatening legal action prior to the magazines removed response, or the P.M. that the mag says it sent with their ‘legal’ letters offering site reviews and expressing a desire to all get along. I have been chatting with a friend who is a moderator and some other pillars in the industry who feel that the initial so called ‘spams’ (though I didn’t receive one) may have been produced in house by BCUK to discredit the new magazine? Funny how the magazine that was due to be produced so long ago has so suddenly – with no recent marketing on the site all came together. A high quality ‘knee-jerk reaction’? Though I don’t know of anyone other than the key BCUK players who have seen a copy. I love bushcraft and may still subscribe to the BCUK mag after an answer to my P.M. (we all deserve a second chance) but I have concerns that I will be getting back material that I have posted along with everything else that I have already seen online. Regarding your email address, this was obtained in a matter of minutes along with everyone else who choose to display them publically by a ingenious piece of software. These sites are not as safe as the administrators say and my advice is if you don’t want mail don’t list your address publically! Sorry if this causes offence but I was so furious at the treatment of Mike at Bushtruck and hey it’s happening again with the next magazine on the scene. Come on boys there’s no room for sour grapes – competition is healthy. I don’t view relevant information as spam especially when sent to a fellow member BUT can understand that you may not condone my actions and perhaps don’t want this ‘one off’ email – I have merely sent this to share the info with you and to try to undo any unfair damage done to these two companies! Enjoy the wild 

Angus Og

Full Member
Nov 6, 2004
I received it to, but what’s strange about it to me is I stop using that email address for this site in November and now use a different one. :confused: And a different one again for my MSN contacts on this site none of which were spamed. :rolleyes:


Making memories since '67
What go my goat as well is that he did not even put all the emails in the BCC header. So all the email addresses are viewable to everyone. So if any of the 90 odd recipients get s a virus on their machine I will be receiving the infected emails.

It was a stupid email sent by an idiot. I am surprised it was not headed up as "ban me please"


May 5, 2005
I think its probably evident to the Mods who sent this e-mail. It seems pretty obvious to me.
Probably best for us all to sit back and reserve judgement and see if they can sort things out, rather than us all getting wound up.

Anyway shouldn't we all be talking about Bushcraft on here? ;)

Anyone got any interesting plans for the weekend? I'm off snowboarding. All my work colleagues seem to find it intensley funny to keep asking me if I'll be sleeping in a hammock while i'm there. Ha Bl**dy Ha!


Jun 21, 2005
dorset, uk
I've just got one too. Incoherent bullcrap. I presume canvasrepaircentre is a faked sender and I shouldn't flame them for displaying my email to everybody else on the CC list instead of BCCing it. Anyway I won't be buying any of the mags and I shall be removing that email address from public view.
Aug 1, 2005
risby said:
I presume canvasrepaircentre is a faked sender
From the headers I looked at - no, it doesn't look like it. It doesn't appear to be munged in any way, and I suspect the person in the 'To' field is another address for the person who sent it, judging by the whois DNS information listed for canvasrepaircentre.co.uk.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2005
North London
Yeah, I got this spam too - not very impressed!! :censored:

Although I don't hold BushcraftUK in anyway responsible for him accessing my email address - I entered it and he mined for it... :rolleyes:


Oct 31, 2003
Warrior Librarian said:
From the headers I looked at - no, it doesn't look like it. It doesn't appear to be munged in any way, and I suspect the person in the 'To' field is another address for the person who sent it, judging by the whois DNS information listed for canvasrepaircentre.co.uk.

Are you sure about this Warrior? The possible fake email bit I mean.
Aug 1, 2005
tenbears10 said:
Are you sure about this Warrior? The possible fake email bit I mean.
I stripped the e-mail into text to get the full headers - usually it's very clear when you do that if it's coming from somewhere other than appears in the e-mail. The headers on this one look straightforward - I can supply them on request.


Oct 31, 2003
Warrior Librarian said:
I stripped the e-mail into text to get the full headers - usually it's very clear when you do that if it's coming from somewhere other than appears in the e-mail. The headers on this one look straightforward - I can supply them on request.

Thanks for the confirmation mate. That means that I did send my reply to the right address. Just hoping some innocent person didn't get what I replied to Barrie Beardsmore.


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 5, 2004
I just found one in my inbox too. It is in my hotail junk folder, I don't really use this hotmail account for anything apart from the msn link on the site, so it isn't hidden and was set up for cases like this, so if it gets too much spam it doesn't really bother me, but when I signed on the site I used my "proper" account. This hasn't received the spam, don't know if it is relevant to how they got the details?
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