Please list your interest below only if you agree to the terms in post 1, indicate available days and include this line in the paste.
1. woodspirits, fri-sun
2. MartinK9 Fri - Sun.
3. NLW Fri - Sun
4. TinkyPete (TBC)
5. Andy BB TBC
6. Turbogirl Fri-Sun
7. Elen Sentier Fri-Sun (I'm coming! I'm coming!)
8. Sasquatch
9. Karl82
10. Priam (Fri-Sun)
11. Jimbo75 (unless life gets in the way)
12. Cliv
13. Preper (Fri - Sun)
14. TBL/TLL (Fri-Sun)
15. Vann1992 (Fri only) I'm new so I'm just trying my kit out.
16. uncleboob (TBC)
17. Trev + 1 (Fri-Sat)
18. SimonD (Fri-Sat)
19. Twodogs ( Sat -Sun )
20. Johnnyboy1971. Maybe
21. Luckylee, looking forward to this one.