Nordic trip this summer - advice sought


Sep 24, 2005
Last year me and a friend went on a month long driving trip to southern europe (down through italy to greece and back up via the adriatic coast). Wild camping in hammocks wherever possible. We had a great time and yesterday he suggested that we do a similar thing this year in Norway, Finland and Sweden probably in August or September.

I enjoy a bit of bushcrafting but I'm not obsessive by any means and just see it as a matter of being comfortable in the great outdoors more than anything else (and it's a way of reducing the load I need to carry for wild camping). I also enjoy a bit of hiking . . . or to be honest I'd more call it strolling - I enjoy a good stroll (say 3 to 5 miles) and when on a dedicated walking trip per se usually aim for something like 10 to 12 miles a day.

My friend doesn't want to take a car this time so we'll be using public transport and having to carry everything. He suggested buying some sort of "area rail pass" which he says we can get (I'm not sure what he's talking about but it sounds reasonable).

I understand mossies and midges can be a problem but our dd travel hammocks have good netting and we'll be taking along some repellent.

Can anyone recommend nice or interesting places or areas.

I'm looking for general advice/comments/cautions.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Schools start around August 20 in Sweden, so things will be less crowded after that.
Apart from trains there are coaches, which is cheaper and more convenient for shorter rides.

Most people speak English (at least the younger generation who was brought up on American movies and TV series, and who may still remember some of their schooling).
The most adventurous thing might be the grocery store, just look in your local and try to imagine not being able to read any of the labels.

There are many marked hiking trails, these are good if you are new. For camping you can pretty much camop anywhere you want, as long as you are (a) outside built up areas, (b) not near someones home, or (b) outside areas with posted rules (e.g, parks, nature reserves, etc). You can buy meths for your trangia in every petrol station (T-röd, tennol) dyed red and with a emetic added to make sure you don't drink it; don't get it on the inside of your pot and then cook your food unless you wash it carefully first!

Commercial campgrounds are pricey and crowded, but offer things like laundry and shower facilities.

There is a knife ban technically pretty similar to the UK one, but sanely enforced (i.e. only if you get into trouble and carry a knife, or if it is inappropriate to carry it then and there). A SAK is almost never a problem, just keep the Mora in the pack unless you are obviously "bushy" and there will be no problem. The same goes for axes; carrying it open in your hand when entering the grocery store is not ok, strapped to the side of your pack inside an axe mask in the same place is fine. Strange things like goloks and kukris might caused rised eyebrows from the police.


Jan 27, 2010
You dont really have yto be so worried about insects-We get along with them just fine,so why not you.Even in lapland,at august,insects have started to die in colder nights,and there aint so much of those in southern part of our land nowadays,thanks to pollutions.

Where in finland are you planning to visit,about?
Are you flying or driving here or how are you arriving,and into what town?


Full Member
Jul 16, 2009
West Sussex
Interesting thread this, as I want to go for a holiday in Scandenavia this year, although I am leaning towards one of those canoe holidays in Sweeden at the moment.


Sep 24, 2005
We haven't really decided where to go but intend to do a lot of traveling and see as much of the country as possible. We're looking to fly out on the cheapest flight we can find to the general area so we'll probably hit a major city on arrival. We definitely want to get well up north at least at some point.


Jan 27, 2010
Well if youre looking for more green scenery,i suggest that you Dont land on our capital city Helsinki.

Take instead,Rovaniemi ( in the north) or Pirkkala ( in south,near our next biggest but nice town Tampere)theres loads of outdoors shops,one big national park "Seitseminen",etc.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.