Night moves


Oct 19, 2008
South Coast
Living on my boat on a tidal river and no longer having to work, my life is ruled by the tides rather than clocks. No two days are the same and every weather change or ebb and flood of the tide shows something different.
Just lately a Vixen who lives in a corner of the boatyard has kept me interested in her nocturnal, low tide wanderings.
..Looking down onto the pontoon you can see where her hind legs give the 'boost' to lift her onto the pontoon and the two visits she made during one low tide in the lower photo.Many waders also feed on the mud here and sometimes if the weather is really rough they take advantage of the shelter in this part of the river and the low tide mud is a trackers paradise..:)..

The more mature Black headed Gulls are already wearing their black summer masks in this mild dry weather. They spend some of their time bullying the flocks of Redshank which take off like scrambling Spitfire squadrons only to land together a short but safe distance from the feathered black faced hooligans..:)
Meanwhile my decks show the casual wanderings of the Vixen, she even walks up over the canvas spray hood and it's not unusual for me to look up from my bunk and see her looking down through the forehatch at me..:)


I can see that if it doesn't rain soon, I'll need to rig the long hose, either that or leave a notice asking her to wipe her feet before she steps aboard..:)


Oct 3, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
Yeah there are a lot of them around now, some people are for/against but I think over the last few years we have seen a massive increase in the daring of these pests. As you can tell I'm against them not being culled or hunted to keep the numbers down. I know this will have some up in arms but alas they are vermin and should be treated as so. I wonder how many would leave out snacks and stuff if one of children or pets was mauled by one. Due to the amount of food we throw away they are seen all over in large city centres and seem not bothered to face off to any human. I think any one who comes into close contact with one must be very careful how they react to save from being bitten. This is only my opinion, other may agree or disagree its up to everyone to have a say on the matter.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
I don't really have a fear of Foxes as such, My mate has one as a pet. I just find them not nice.

Sounds like the tea-pot calling the kettle. Nature is "red in tooth in claw" whether you like it or not.

But if you really want to see "not nice" take a long, hard look at the human race. The rest of the animal kingdom can't hold a candle to us on that score.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.