New Year Weight Loss motivation thread


May 5, 2006
I have lost 22Kg in the last 16 months.

The motivation was my Dr telling me that unless I did something about my weight,
I would not be around to see my son grow up.

Focuses the mind comments like that.....



Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
Excellent, gentlemen. Getting fitter and leaner is easier when we're all in it together.

Shewie - best make sure you're thyroid function test are ok - it's hard to regain weight if you're still thyrotoxic.

Bowlander and Andy - recently gained weight is often the easiest to shed!

Southey - sounds like you have pretty good cardiovascular fitness. The commando exercise sounds a useful resource. Modern life is often sedentary so anyone not used to exercise should start low and work up rather than trying to beat Southey on day one.

Charleslockerbie - Wii fit is very good indeed. Video games are addictive because they give you feedback and make you want to win, to beat your record, etc. The wii fit uses the same idea and I know several people who've lost a lot of fat and gained a lot of muscle with it. One rather brave guy posted 'before and after' pictures on the net when he did a few months training on the wii. It sure worked for him.

Andybysea - Most people have tried and failed to get weight off in the past, but it can still be done. New Year is actually a very good time to do it:

- new year, new start
- the excesses of Christmas are behind you
- Spring, and the opportunity for outdoor exercise and the need for wearing lighter clothes is just 16 weeks away. It's quite feasible to get a stone off in that time.

More advice:

Eat breakfast. Again the research shows it helps weight loss. Wholegrain cereal (Weetabix, porridge) and semi skimmed is good.

Most men will lose weight on a 1500 calorie/day diet, and it's not too arduous.

A gram of fat has about 9 calories. A gram of protein or carb has about 4. But they fill you up the same. So cut the fat intake!

Alcohol is bad in two ways- it increases your appetite, and it's calorie dense. But modest alcohol consumption has some health benefits, and to me it's part of a normal happy social life. What works for me is to restrict it to 2 nights a week, and cut down on the beer. Instead I go for wine, or better still, spirits with low calorie mixer. And not too much.

Use small plates. There was an interesting experiment here. A group was divided into two halves. The first group were given a large container, advised to fill it with as much or as little popcorn as they wished, and watch a film. The other half were given a smaller container and the same instructions. The amount of popcorn actually consumed was measured, and the big container people ate a good deal more. So use a smaller plate!

As has been said, BMI is only a rough guide. If your BMI is over 30 (technically obesity) you could ask your GP for a prescription for orlistat (which can be bought in lower dose over the counter as Alia - it's very expensive) I have prescribed this a few times. It does seem to work to some extent, but most people I think, don't need it.

Motto for 2012: Eat less, move more!


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
A gram of fat has about 9 calories. A gram of protein or carb has about 4. But they fill you up the same. So cut the fat intake!

Motto for 2012: Eat less, move more!

Just to mention a gram of Protein also has 4 Calories but I find if I eat Carbs I tend to want to eat more about 5 minutes later , with Fat and Protein it tends to sate the appetite for longer. In short I'n not totally convinced that Refined Carbs are a good thing.
I'd rather eat a couple of boiled eggs in the morning with a small Oaty smoothie than alot of cereal.

Have a look at the Paleo stuff by Rob Wolff , free to download the podcasts on I-tunes.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
Just to mention a gram of Protein also has 4 Calories but I find if I eat Carbs I tend to want to eat more about 5 minutes later , with Fat and Protein it tends to sate the appetite for longer. In short I'n not totally convinced that Refined Carbs are a good thing.
I'd rather eat a couple of boiled eggs in the morning with a small Oaty smoothie than alot of cereal.

Have a look at the Paleo stuff by Rob Wolff , free to download the podcasts on I-tunes.

You are quite correct, and some people do well with the Atkins-type high protein low carb diet, though I think this is partly because it's pretty unpalatable.

The dieticians tend to push the low fat, high carb idea. My own view is that the middle way is best: plenty of unrefined carboydrate (wholegrains), plenty of protein (lean meat) and relatively low levels of fat works well for most folk. Eggs and oat smoothie is a good example of this.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2005
This is a good thread doc! and some handy stuff...
I've seen kit threads about shaving a few grams off a load, and lightweight gear, but losing only a few pounds makes a huge difference.
I lost about 10kg over 2011, on the eat less, move more regime and it wasnt too bad, started running more, and doing BMF training at a local park...
I recently picked up a 10 kg calibrating weight at work and this really brought it home how much excess I had been carrying....
I also tried the "before and after " pic (didnt post it anywhere) and it really is a good motivator.
the two i am going to HAVE TO START as she has decided is the 100 push ups and the 200 sit ups programes, you can buy the books or just download off there internet site.

where i shall lose the biggest is the lack of pap food i eat inbetween meals, the car does 40 lies per gallon where as i do 25 miles to a mars bar.

i am a little tired at the moment due to going through a bad medical issue for the third time, you know when your in poo when the nurse remember you from the last time. the good thing is its a lot easier when you know whats going on.

any way we find setting small and we do mean small goals help with a treat at the end, i have a passion for belguim buns, i dont care that they are bad for you with sugars and fats i just love em so . as with the fags we have an argeement just per my childhood if i manage to get through a week or do so many days exercising then saturday theres a bun for breakie

as for you light weights, you know when to lose weight when the bathroom scales stop at 18 stone and you have to spend 20p at boots to use theres because they go up to 25 stone.

at least with my fortnightly hospital visits i get my self weighed when i check in so i save 20p.....result


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Doc said ''Andybysea - Most people have tried and failed to get weight off in the past, but it can still be done. New Year is actually a very good time to do it:

- new year, new start
- the excesses of Christmas are behind you
- Spring, and the opportunity for outdoor exercise and the need for wearing lighter clothes is just 16 weeks away. It's quite feasible to get a stone off in that time.''

Doc,my main problem i would say is snacking at night,and the ability to not do this, i used to be real strict but seem to lack the long term strictness of yester year,
as for exercise, i do exercise 6 days a week 3 days kettlebells for about 1.5 hrs a time and 3 days 45min fast walk with a berg vulcan loaded to about 50lbs,alternating each.
Love handles and the old tum take the brunt of my excess weight and id love to drop a stone, i was 15-4lb last year,but had to go on steriods short term for a illness i piled the weight on and ate everything in sight on them,but just cant get bl**dy rid!


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 16, 2008
West Midland
Im starting again on the 3rd have lost loads in the past and banged it back on , " the call of the kabab is strong within him ! " ...
Hope to do another Norway later in the year so it needs to be done .


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
Guys ,Don't just focus on getting the needle on the scale to move one way , think about changing ( or at least trying ) the body composition. You'll see a lot of < ahem> larger ladies do Yo-Yo dieting for a long time , they have periods of weight loss that seems to be mostly muscle mass and some fat , when they regain the weight its more Fat than muscle.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
As TD says, it's not just about weight loss (before and after photos often show folks looking leaner and fitter even if weight loss is slight) , but I suspect some weight loss is neveless desirable for most of us.

Just weighed in at 83.6 kg (I have to work in kilos when working with patients) so not too bad but still definitely overweight. I was 79kg in the summer and have got down to 77kg before.

Have met a few 'larger' men who didn't look fit, but actually were. I remember a guy like that who carried my rifle for me as I was dragging myself to the next checkpoint on a TA exercise. He already had the GPMG (machine gun) and two other guys SLRs on his shoulder, and he was running faster than I was unladen.

Anyway, enjoy Hogmanay guys, and the work starts on Sunday the first. Eat less, move more! Then maybe we can have another weigh in in a week or so.




Apr 22, 2011
Tallinn, Estonia
Okay everyone. I've done a ton of research on this and I'll share.

First of all, start reading - it's the best community there is with success stories and most efficient training tips.

Secondly, this is almost all you need:

First column is strength training, second is cardio, third is diet and fourth is weekly schedule. This works!

I know anecdotal evidence is not scientific, but I guarantee you that if you follow at least the stronglifts routine for 6 months and eat properly (less carbs and less calories) then you will see results. Not only will you lose weight but gain some strength too. My alcoholic friend has been working out for 4 months doing the stronglifts routine and he's already up to the level in strength that I am. I've been going to the gym for about 7 years now with minor breaks (mostly in the summer).

Thirdly, a program picker for starting:

Use this tool to find a lead and start.

I will be doing an experiment with the stronglifts 5x5 routine starting January. I've never done it before in my 7 years of training and I've never properly trained my legs outside of bicycle/running. Also I have a knee injury from skateboarding when I was younger. Now stronglifts has a lot of emphasis on squats and I taught myself the proper technique and it hardly puts any strain on my knees.

For the sake of getting results and following through, here's my beginning numbers (a workout I did 2 weeks ago). I will post results in the beginning of June.

Weight: 74,3kg
Squats: can do 5x5 with a 25kg dumbbell
Bench press: can do 5x5 with 65kg
Deadlift: 5x5 with 40kg
Overhead press: 5x5 with 30kg
Barbell row: 5x5 with 35kg

Now deadlift and squats are comically low for someone who has been training as long as me and I desperately need to improve on them to be more well-rounded. I'm going for at least 100kg squats and 100kg on the deadlift, both of course 5x5.

So as I said - will post results! Hope it works, I wouldn't want to eat my hat. :)

Let's do this!


Full Member
Sep 29, 2011
Northern Ireland
Another good tip guys is to record everything (yes everything) that you eat. It will make you more aware of what your actually eating. I use a cal counter not strictly but to het a rough idea.

Sent from my HTC Salsa C510e using Tapatalk

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
i dont know about the rest but weights and gyms and the like are well out of my price range i am off to find , push ups and sit ups and skipping ropes and tarmac running and cycling. i cant afford the posh stuff lol

Same here matey, no gyms for me I think they are the most unhygienic places on earth! plenty of logs to lift, rucksacks to walk\run with, lots of hills to walk\run up, your own body provides enough resistance to strengthen itself when worked properly!


Apr 22, 2011
Tallinn, Estonia
Same here matey, no gyms for me I think they are the most unhygienic places on earth! plenty of logs to lift, rucksacks to walk\run with, lots of hills to walk\run up, your own body provides enough resistance to strengthen itself when worked properly!

Exactly. With little improvisation the equivalent of squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, bench presses and barbell rows can be improvised at home. Put a log in your rucksack and do squats. Lift a rock deadlift-style. Do pull-ups on a branch.

What I like about the stronglifts 5x5 programme is that the 5 excercises are such basic movements that every human experiences. Just find a way to add some resistance and work out at home.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Ive tried several times recently to lose weight but i cant seem to lose a pound.

I once lost 20 pounds, sitting on a bench on the sea front at Berwick! it must have worked it's way out of my pocket and then blown away in the breeze:( ( true story)

Last April I stopped eating chocolate, crisps and deep fried anything and stopped sprinkling salt on my food.I then started much more veg and fruit and I also took to walking a bit more.

I lost about a stone and a couple of inches from my waistline in 12 weeks.

I felt very much better for it.

The only really effective way to lose weight and feel better for it, is to eat less ( or no) shxxxy food stuffs and get more exercise than you do now.

I've been eating a lot more shxxxy food again lately, and not just because of xmas:eek: though I'm still happy with my weight ( apx 11.5 stone) I'm not happy with the way I "feel" and look, so I'm backing off the shxxe and eating more fruit and veg again, as well as putting more effort into getting out and about on my legs.

That'll do me:)

Good luck to one and all

and a happy 2012



PS: improvising weights etc is a good idea, as long as you know HOW to do the exercises/lifting, so make sure you get some instruction on how to exercise before going off and hurting yourself.
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It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Just a little cartoon I was sent and thought folks on this thread might appreciate :rolleyes::)



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