I'm thinkin the metal must be pretty soft, for all the turning it would have to resist, and i guess it's cheaper to replace a worn key than have the key wear out the locks internals.
Just looking at your pic and wondering have you tried using a key as the striker? could be an idea if it works (and doesn't wear your key down too much)
I'm thinkin the metal must be pretty soft, for all the turning it would have to resist, and i guess it's cheaper to replace a worn key than have the key wear out the locks internals.
Jonathan, how do you rate the metal of this new firesteel compared with your all time favourite? I've been amazed at the differences between the various compounds.
<snip> I'm surprised you can get a decent spark from a key. <snip>
They look interesting, never heard of them before.
Combine that striker with the BCB steel with compass built in and thats three survival essentials in one item! Also fixes the probs with the above steel, expensive way round it though...