New DD Hammock & Lightweight tarp


Full Member
Mar 21, 2006
N. Wales
I've recently bought the above.
I know DD stuff is well thought of but I'm just wondering how people have got on with the tarp in particular.
When the Hammock arrived I checked it out and spent a night in it. Nice, roomy and quite comfortable and will be great in warmer weather.

The hammock will be fine I'm sure, it looks well made. The tarp I'm now not overly confident in.
I'm selling my Clark Jungle hammock and one under blanket on Evil Bay at this moment basically because I got a bit of trouble with my knees and in the winter I'm planning on going to ground to save carrying extra, keep warm hammock gear. My Clark was great in winter conditions with the storm shield but carrying 2 underquilts etc etc was overloading me a tad!
Bivying won't be as comfortable but it will be easier to keep warm with less, hopefully! ;)

Anyhow I digress.

When the Tarp arrived I took it out bivying. When I set-up I spotted a small tear, several little holes along the ridge line, around the tabs and a small melted patch just up from a corner tab. All but one hole along the ridge was covered by sealing tape so no real worries there. I sealed the hole that was not covered with Silnet, smoothed some over the slightly melted and holed area and patched the small tear with a 1/2" piece of spinsheet.

When I returned I mailed DD and true to form as soon as they recieved my tarp another arrived the day after with a note of appology. Good service.

I checked that out yesterday and found a run of holes about half way up one side, about 1" long.
They were stiching holes, even had a bit of thread left in there.
I'm not too worried about them, they will seal ok with Silnet.

Wondering if anyone else has had problems?

I know they are a very good price but now I'm a bit concerned about it's structural strength. I do go out in pretty bad windy weather but before I take this out it would be reassuring to know whether it will cope ok?

I'd hate it to fail in the middle of the night and dump water all over me!

Anyone been out in rough'ish conditions with the DD lightweight tarp and did it hold up ok?


Dec 15, 2005
Anyone been out in rough'ish conditions with the DD lightweight tarp and did it hold up ok?

Yes plenty of times Stiks and gusting at 50mph more than once.

I've never noticed any holes in mine though tbh, maybe you've just been unlucky and got the end of the roll so to speak.

I sometimes add some lengths of inner tube to the guy tie ons if it's really wild.

I've not heard of one fail since DD addressed the early models but if you're not happy I'd ask them to send you another one.



Jul 23, 2007
Central Scotland
We were out one extremely windy night and lost an aldi tarp (eyelets ripped clean out) and a tent (tent pole snapped and went through the outer) there was no damage to the DD tarp we had up although the guys had been ripped out the ground which maybe saved it.




Full Member
Jun 12, 2007
i've never had a problem with my dd tarp or any of my DD stuff....did you ask DD if the stiching holes might be a problem.


Full Member
Mar 21, 2006
N. Wales
Ok thank you for those responses, I'm reassured :)

No I did not contact DD about the stitching holes, I don't see those giving a problem at all.
The needle has no doubt just seperated the fibres not cut them, a smear of Silnet will cure any possible dripping.
It just raised doubts about it's strength/build, you know what it's like when something gets stuck in you're bonce! Now my mind is settled.

I do like DD gear and their service is great! .....


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