"yams, sweet potatoes, squash" never come across any when foraging in Wales, did they die off in the UK during the Ice Age?
The mammoths ate 'em all because they were so yummy and then died out from starvation.
"yams, sweet potatoes, squash" never come across any when foraging in Wales, did they die off in the UK during the Ice Age?
Parsnips for breakfast"yams, sweet potatoes, squash" never come across any when foraging in Wales, did they die off in the UK during the Ice Age?
Theres a real growing movement advocating the paleo (Paleolithic) diet
Some studies have thrown up some very interesting results.
Have a dig about here for more info:
Lub0, you don't seriously think ye olde man lived longer than us?
A quick google suggests that 40 was a 'good age'.
When the film Saving Private Ryan was made the hunt was on for uniforms. As luck would have it a load were found but...the soldiers of 60 years ago were shorter and lighter than the modern soldier so uniforms had to be made to fill the gaps.
I've nursed a woman of 105, bright as a button (came in with a broken hip) and on one ward out of eight beds three were occupied by women who were 100 (one was 101). While many moan about the modern diet we are healthier now than ever in many respects. Don't blame the range and diversity of food available for all the medical problems, blame the individuals who over indulge.
Sandbender, great photo and the picture is very typical of a lunch I'll take with me when on a day bimble, I joke not and lovely it is too![]()
Grilling/roasting any food over an open flame/embers will produce carcinogens on the surface of the food where it scorches/burns. Unavoidable. However, this is also what makes it taste so good! Alas...
Grilling/roasting any food over an open flamerisk vs benefits./embers will produce carcinogens on the surface of the food where it scorches/burns. Unavoidable. However, this is also what makes it taste so good! Alas...
I was also under the impression that it was established that Diet Colesterol and Blood Colesterol were unrelated. I.e. that a high colesterol diet does not lead to high colesterol in the blood.Rather ironically the low fat issue/high fat issue does not apply. People with lower than normal cholesterol levels are statistically more prone to strokes. There is no conclusive evidence that high cholesterol levels cause cardiovascular disease either. Low fat diets have been indicated in some form of cancer..
What has been discovered by studies is that high fat (not a pure fat diet), high fiber and low refined carb/sugar is actually statistically more likely to prolong life. The devil would seem to be refined carbohydrates which are found alongside fats in prepared foods. Thing is refined carbs are highly addictive and give the brain all sorts of chemical 'hits' as our endocrine system adjusts to it absorption and storage.
So in all likelihood some paleo's lived a long time and suffered no strokes, cancer, diabetes, heart disease (incidentally the stats have not risen on cvd, we have just got more sophisticated on diagnosis). The old polyunsaturated myth has been proven wrong a thousand times as has the 'eggs and cholesterol' myth.
The fundamental problem with neo-paleo diets is primitive man ate all of the fatty bits first, heart, lungs, brains, kidneys, marrow etc. the offal is more nutritious than the 'meat'. The red meat (bulk protein) was not consumed till the really good bits were eaten. Alpha hunters wolves, lions etc still get the 'ikky bits' first the bulk meat is left for the rest of the pack.
our current dietary view of what is 'good' and what is 'bad' was formed by epidemiologists who were applying unproven data to national health programs in the 40/50/60’s. They were trying to save that one person in 600 who ‘may be’ affected. The food companies read the literature (unsupported by proper and conclusive studies) and went with it. Now we are in a situation where it is impossible to do a public u-turn, so it’s a gradual change. Notice margarine no longer says rich in polyunsaturated oils.. now they say high in omega 3.
Smoke, mirrors, poor science and poor data interpretation has got us into the ‘healthiest bunch of fat b######’ in the last 1000 years.
Now where is that pork chop?!
I was also under the impression that it was established that Diet Colesterol and Blood Colesterol were unrelated. I.e. that a high colesterol diet does not lead to high colesterol in the blood.
Rather ironically the low fat issue/high fat issue does not apply. People with lower than normal cholesterol levels are statistically more prone to strokes. There is no conclusive evidence that high cholesterol levels cause cardiovascular disease either...
...Fact is for the last 60 years are diet has been the least healthy its ever been...
I read somewhere that during the 1950s we ate far more animals fats, but we were thinner and had less CV. But then coal fires didnt clean and load themselves, washing clothes broke a sweat, and no-one but the richest had cars or tv. Cakes contianed sugar, wheat flour and eggs, not asparteme, trans-fat emulisfiers and a binding agent from courtholds. People ate real food and had a more active life. Kids played on dirty bombsites not playstations, and thier immune systems had enough to do without causing allergies.