The REAL paleo diet: Researchers find Stone Age people ate surprisingly large amounts of fish

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I remember a lecture, some years back.

Picture of a Neolithic skeleton.

Where his stomach would be, several pounds of blackberry pips.

I dont want to know what he died of.

(Sadly cant remember context of this pic...)
When the blackberries are in season the bear poops look quite pretty ... try and hit them when driving on the logging roads ... the poops, not the bears. :)
Tengu: if that might have been a hoard of dried berries, that could have been a killer.
Probably solitary. Hard to get away with that gluttony in a group.

Elderberries and blueberries here. Then the dogs find some to roll in.
That's a bath you don't need to know about = purple washing and XXX stinky like pig.

Maybe some sort of a territorial display = black bears and sometimes the grizz
like to crap along the center line of our backwoods logging roads. After a big rain,
every poo-pile has a long purple tail!


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