Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Depends what you class as a modern diet Bod, perhaps indiginous native folk when exposed to 'modern' food products eat too much of the wrong stuff, too much sugar, salt and fat etc.
Nothing wrong with fresh food these days if you balance out what you eat. There was a documentary about Tonga and its obesity problems, they eat masses of fat and sugar, things like Lamb flaps (breast of lamb)
Nice rolled and stuffed breast of lamb is fab, but you don't eat it everyday do you.
yes new found wealth and over consumption with less exercise can be as devastating to indigneous and aboriginal peoples as relocation and enforced settlement and a reliance on cheap carbohydrates like white bread, white rice and sugar in place of their forests and its resources.
What's scary is the swift decline in a generation.
We have choice they don't really have