my overnight kit


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
I’ve just got back from an overnighter at the midlands meet at north wood and spent a little while looking at the kit I took. I’d aimed to go as lightweight as possible and also to try out a new bit of homemade kit.

First, lightweight:

The contents of the leather belt pouch are lined up underneath it, everything else, except for the bed roll, which I’ll come to in a minute, goes in the shoulder bag (pictured top left). I’m pretty sure that I’m more or less down to the bare minimum at that, I could leave one of the knives at home but if I did it would probably be the opinel which takes up very little space and weighs hardly anything anyway, so it’ll stay. The only things unused were the FAK (orange nylon pouch) and woolly hat, both of which will stay.

Second, bedroll:
This is the homemade bit of kit, it’s just a prototype really that I knocked up with fabric salvaged from an old bag and a curtain. There’s a full length thermarest and a couple of blankets rolled up inside it. It’s something I’m playing around with, this was the first night I’d tried it out. Once I’ve got round to making a finished product I’ll post something about it, all I’ll say for now is that I had a lovely nights sleep.

Anyway, thanks for looking and any comments or questions feel free.



p.s. I’ve just noticed that for some reason my brew kit isn’t on the picture.
So. Imagine, if you will, a container, with a screw top no less, made of plastic, clear, containing, as it does, that most magical of things, Nescafe, and also, verily, sachets of sugar stolen from that most hallowed of grounds, the services of trowell.
How I forgot to put that in the photo I’ll never know.

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Now thats the kind of setup I like, and it doesent take much to extend your stay. good stuff, i'm intriged by you bed roll, i'm trying something in a similar vein at the mo. look forward to hearing about it. and the meet.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
thanks for the positive comments.

regarding food, i went literally overnight, ate before i set off and took a pot noodle to tide me over, thankfully i was saved from the pot noodle by the generosity of others in the form of home made burgers. god bless the cook. set off home before breakfast and stopped for food on the way. it is a problem with the bag i've got, there's no extra room for food, it's something i'll work out.




Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
Hairbrush ? - or does it have some secondary buscraft use ?:) Maybe you've got more hair than me...


i've got quite a lot of hair and it's not seen much in the way of soap or shampoo for quite some time now so if it doesn't get brushed it turns to rat-tails pretty quickly. suggestions for hairbrush bushcraft (brushcraft?) are more than welcome though.


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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
Hedgehog, hairbrush and a meal in one!

love it, i'll shall build me an urchin trap immediately

It's a tidy little set-up Stu, this weekend I took a lot of kit but I was still experimenting think i am getting close to a meet set soon :) but i know it will change every meet any ways :)

you've seen how much kit i usually take to meets mate, long way from either lightweight or fixed, and long may it stay that way

Nice set up Stuart, never got to see all the contents at the Meet so good to see it laid out here. :)

that was the idea mate, my time was a little too limited over the weekend to get into kit discussions

nice little load there mate. minimal but still comfortable

surprisingly comfortable mate, although the comfort level was helped out a great deal by the food supplied by others at the meet.

thanks a lot for all the positive comments guys, they gladden the heart :)




May 24, 2010
Im very interested in that bedroll too! I am trying to put something like that together myself, never been a fan of sleeping bags and want a basic but comfortable bedroll.

I look forward to seeing and hearing more!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.