28/3/15 & 29/3/15
Last weekend was minimal at the allotment due to it being my birthday weekend. This weekend however was more productive, even if the rain was torrential at times.
My daughter and I donned our rain suits and along with the help of my brother achieved a good bit of planting as well as some DIY fixing.
This weekend I have managed to repair the broken panels in my greenhouse, fix some broken boards on the summerhouse along with putting in nigh on 50m of water pipe from source onto the allotment. This will offer me the chance to pipe fresh water into the summerhouse kitchenette, add a timed irrigation system into my poly tunnels and also allow me to use a hose on the beds rather than a water can.
As for planting, this weekend saw us ***** out our leeks into bigger pots, plant some peppers, carrots and gooseberries and also chart the progress of our other vegetables as show in the pictures.
Leeks before pricking out
Parsnip seedlings! One for BR as they are on the early side
Luxury greenhouse flooring
Kale coming through
Sugar snaps emerging
Broad beans
Leeks pricked out
My daughter helping
Sweet peppers
Happy with gooseberries in
Carrots in the tunnel before watering in
I have some more ideas on the horizon, especially in the greenhouses as I want to install solar heating using a panel, fan, tubing and heat sink.