My Kit

Hey all.

Just been thinking about my kit recently and what I still need to get / replace. I am wanting to get some general opinions on some of the stuff I have.

So far I haven’t done much rough camping as I am still getting into it and I am also in the process of booking myself on the Woodlander course at Woodsmoke for next year.

I am also trying to learn what to take and what not to take as the case may be.

Kit List
65 Litre Rucksack (Extrem Alpine)
Basic Foam Roll Mat
- Been tempted to buy a air mat from Tiso, they were around £15 last I looked. Is it worth getting these?

Brittish Army Down Sleeping Bag
- I have been looking at the Alpkit Skyehigh ones and been tempted by them but this one I have seems to be great although it was given to my uncle (in the army, so it was his) who is rather small.

Brittish Army Basha (From an Army Surplus Store)
Dutch Army Bivi Bag
- Thinking about taking this to a place that can sew on a zip for me as I am lacking a sewing machine.

Magnesium Block and striker
- Looking to get a firesteel soon. Are the ones from Tiso any good? They have one with a black plastic handle and an orange handle. I am not sure of the difference except one lasts longer than the other.

Enzo Trapper Knife
Swiss Army Knife

Meths Burning Stove
- Now I am not sure which is better. Gas or Meths. When I was out with my mate the meths stove burned and boiled water quite slowly. So we decided to use the Gas Stove he had. What are the main benefits of each apart from the cooking/boiling times?

Compass (both a Military one and a Geological One)

- When we went out we packed a few books (tree ID, Bushcraft etc…), they obviously add to the weight. Do you all take books out with you and if so what ones are you likely to take?

- LED small hand torch, freebie from work but works well.
- AA Maglite
- £10 head torch (cant remember the make)

Regatta Micro Fleece
Regatta 3 in 1 jacket
- Looking to replace this as it is about 4 years old and kind of worn out. I have been looking at getting a Berghaus 4 in 1 jacket but I have read that some people on here wear ex-army jackets but I am not sure which ones.

Craghopper Kiwi trousers

Berghaus Aquafoil Waterproof Trousers
- I used these on my Geology fieldtrips on the Isle of Skye for about 5 weeks when it was raining pretty bad and I have found these to be very good. Windproof and waterproof. No condensation either.

Small Axe
Paratrooper Knife
Gas Stove

Gransfors Small Forest Axe
Cotton Wool Balls in Vaseline for fire starting
DD Hammock with net

This isn’t my complete list as I am trying to do this off the top of my head. I am hoping that some people can point out a few things and/or answer my queries and/or any recommendations on new gear.



Full Member
Aug 8, 2008
south Wales
Do you have a first aid kit?

Jackets (like sleeping bags) are very much a personal choice. I tend to avoid 3 in 1 as I find them a bit cold in the front. Once you zip the fleece into the outer you have a single zip between you and the wind.

Why a second axe? Also is the axe better than a tidy folding saw?
Yeh I did notice that with my jacket, sometimes i zipped them up seperately and that seemed to do the trick. Its just that the jacket i have is getting a bit worse for wear really. Are ex-army jackets any good.

Yep I do indeed have a first aid kit.

As for the axe, it wont be a second one, it will be mine. My mate and I live quite far apart so its not easy to pop round and borrow it. The main reason I am wanting one for myself is so that I can go out on my own.

Above isnt all my kit just some bits that popped to my head at the time of writting (a quiet day at work :lmao: )

Do you have a first aid kit?

Jackets (like sleeping bags) are very much a personal choice. I tend to avoid 3 in 1 as I find them a bit cold in the front. Once you zip the fleece into the outer you have a single zip between you and the wind.

Why a second axe? Also is the axe better than a tidy folding saw?


Thought I'd pass a few comments.

Foam roll mat / air mat (I assume it's a thermarest type you're looking at). Foam mats are light, cheap and a good insulator against cold. Thermarest type mats tend to be more comfortable - but take care on selecting the right one for you. They are usually heavier than the foam roll mat and some are bigger when packed as well. Also foam won't absorb water whereas the covering on thermarests etc will so you need to either fit it inside your rucksack or in a bag on the outside which looks a bit untidy. Good ones are normally a lot more than £15!

Firesteel. I'd get the one with the brightly coloured handle - then when you put it down you stand a chance of finding it again 5 minutes later in the dark. Just my thoughts from personal experience. :eek:

Gas/Meths. I suspect this is a really contentious area. I personally prefer gas for the clean convenient reliability it provides - especially if you want a quick brew part way along a big hike between camps. Having said that I've had my scouts testing different stoves recently and was very surprised between the different performance of gas stoves.
Boiling 1l of water my pocket rocket took about 4 mins (on isobutane/propane mix). With an old campingaz picnic stove on pierceable butane it took 12 minutes, at which point we got bored with and gave up on the cheap stoves from the scout stores. Despite being canister top stoves which looked the part these would have taken over 15 minutes to boil a litre of water! And this stove was using the same isobutane/propane mix as the pocket rocket.
Having said all that it depends what you want the stove for as a nice low heat is clearly fine for cooking sausages;)

Final comment - GB SFA. I bought a SFA and a wildlife hatchet at the same time. Although they're both fantastic I find myself using the wildlife hatchet more - it's smaller size and weight means I'm more likely to carry it and therefore more likely to use it.
If you're just getting one initially give this some thought. As well as the point made by nigeltm - a good quality folding saw (e.g. laplander) is cheaper, more compact and often of more use than an axe. Not quite as cool though . . .:)

Hope these thoughts are helpful when selecting your kit.



Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
What do you mean by are ex army jackets any good? do you mean the ex army gore tex jackets? or do you mean ex army combat jackets? Personnely i wouldnt buy a ex army goretex as Squaddies tend to be a bit less gentle with there kit as civies, plus if you buy online you never know what your going to get, i know you can reproof them with nixwax,but that could be the least of your problems,as for combat jackets,well they are good in some respects eg,tough,good round fires,useful for outside work etc,but they are not great in heavy rain etc,the best( in my opinion combat jacket) (military issue) is the windproof/and artic windproof smocks which do what they say,and when new are shower resistant and can be reproofed with nixwax cotton proof. if your going for a military look the sass windproof gets a good review and it doesnt need to be dpm.


Full Member
Aug 8, 2008
south Wales
Gas/Meths. I suspect this is a really contentious area.

I've a cheapo folding stove similar to the pocket rocket. Even after a couple of years of reliable use I've just bought a petrol stove and a swedish meths burner.

The reason? A bl**dy cold morning where there wasn't enough heat to build up pressure in the gas stove! It ran for a couple of minutes and got my porridge luke warm then died :(

So if you're looking to be out in all seasons a meth burner may be slow, but at least it'll work!

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
Re sleep kit,

I keep wee airic and sleeping bag within bivi bag and roll them up and attach to bottom of sack.
To keep bivi clean i've got a Highlander foam mat (10mm thick?),that goes strapped to top of bag.(i've also attached D rings to the mat in order to peg it down).

If you've a dutch bivi,I assume it's got keeper flaps on the bottom.

Makes for good insulation.


Sep 23, 2008
As for the stove, I can't comment on meths but gas stoves have their problems, gas freezes - so your stove'll be useless. and, if it falls over it "flares" i.e. you get a huge yellow flame because liquid fuel comes through rather than gas.

I got a m.s.r dragonfly, it was expensive but will run on alsorts. It's meant to run on petrol, diesel and kerosene but will run on anything similar to either, white spirit and barbeque lighting fluid. So, I don't need to find meth's or a particular type of gas cylinder which I'm sure will come in handy. I did find though, it runs much better on petrol than anything else but petrol's easy to get hold of.

In my opinion, all ex-army equipment is good to have. It's tough and works well and it's cheap. Generally, if you buy army clothing, it'll need re-proofing before you use it but that's easy enough. I also think the more recent "rip-stop" material is muc better for the purpose.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 29, 2003
I didn't see any water bottles, mugs etc. The pattern 58 & Crusader is a good set up, with the US/Dutch alternatives almost as good, and quite often a bit cheaper.

I'd also add an led head torch and a photon - type for back up.



Jul 11, 2008
I could as well but unfortunately i can't wear them to the office :(. Do you know any good places to buy them cheaper than blacks?

TK Maxx had a few non zip off kiwis for £20 (which I thought was quite reasonable) the other week not sure if they have still got them (Or whether the stock is the same across the country).


Oct 2, 2008

Gas is quicker except in the cold, and wont work well at altitude. Meths is more reliable but try finding it in a local shop or on the weekends (esp on the continent). Trangias etc also take up lots of room. MSR/Optimus/Primus is the way to go in my humble opinion. What about water bottles, metal mug, a bowl and a racing spoon? Plus lots of placcie bags to keep stuff dry, wash kit (including lots of talcum powder for feet and your parts).,,,map case...why two compasses? lots of alternative ways to start fires (turbo lighter, matches)....paracord...tarp over the hammock...
I do carry a 1l sigg bottle plus a bottle of irn bru or coke, extra weight but its one of my comforts for out there :p. I also have a cup, pans/plates in the little meths stove kit I have along with a knife, fork and spoon. Not sure of the make.

As for the Kiwi Trouser, just checked Go Outdoors and they are on sale for 23 quid, which seems pretty good. I might order a couple from the website. I was going to go to there store last time I was down in that area but due to time I didn't get the chance. I might check at the Aberdeen TK Max store.

I do carry a few small sandwich bags to keep stuff in. Believe it or not the one thing i dont carry is talc powder. I might add that to the list. :)
As for two compasses, my geological one is prob the best to carry as it opens up and has a mirror on one part (handy for signalling if needed). The other one (see image below) was a pressie one year and I like the look and feel of using it and I think its more accurate but to me it isnt that great for triangulation due to it not having long straight sides. Might just leave that one at home next time. com05.JPG

Similar but not the same as my Geology one:

I have been looking at getting a Petzel Tikka as I heard these are very good, so I may have that as my main head torch and the one i have at the moment as a backup.

I like your idea about staying into spring. It just got very cold here today, but saying that I am tempted to go out for a walk in the snow over the weekend.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.