Vintage Packaway stove - pumping problem

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New Member
Oct 9, 2024
Hi just replaced cup washer in a Packaway stove, and now it is hard to pump, what am I doing wrong please
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Hi just replaced cup washer in a Packaway stove, and now it is hard to pump, what am I doing wrong please
Others will know more than me but.. if its leather it might need softening and to lube it in the bore, if its rubber then use some lube on the bore/washer. Proper stuff, not washing up liquid which will ruin both materials.
And did you release the cap so that it doesn't pressurise, until you've got the stroke to ease a bit.
Others will know more than me but.. if its leather it might need softening and to lube it in the bore, if its rubber then use some lube on the bore/washer. Proper stuff, not washing up liquid which will ruin both materials.
And did you release the cap so that it doesn't pressurise, until you've got the stroke to ease a bit.
Hi yes it’s leather and I soften it first, but thanks. Someone has told me I need to remove the NRV and replace the rubber pip, so that will be my next step.
The roots of learning are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
Regards Warwick
When you say hard to pump do you mean the pump doesn’t go up and down the barrel easily or it builds up pressure and won’t move down the barrel at all.
If the latter it is probably the NRV that is stuck. Take the pump out. Spray some release fluid or paraffin down the hole and let it sit for a while, then pump and see if it releases.
When you say hard to pump do you mean the pump doesn’t go up and down the barrel easily or it builds up pressure and won’t move down the barrel at all.
If the latter it is probably the NRV that is stuck. Take the pump out. Spray some release fluid or paraffin down the hole and let it sit for a while, then pump and see if it releases.
Yes it’s the latter, and great suggestion I will try your idea tomorrow. Thank you
Regards Warwick
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Yes I think by the sound of it the NRV needs servicing. I would remove it and disassemble, there are service kits as I’m sure you’re aware but if it is so gunked up it isn’t opening at all it may need replacing altogether.
I have had some success with prodding the nrv with a slim knitting needle to free it up.
Look on the bright side, if you have to renew the pip it should be fine for another 50 years.
Have a look at the classic camp stove forum,there's loas of info there on bringing these back to life.In most cases a couple of new washers and NRV pip and you should be good to go.


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