My Covid-19 and later projects

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Project 22
Leather Water Bottle
Cut from scraps of3.5mm Veg tanned leather, saddle sewn with linen thread, wet moulded with sand then hardened and waterproofed with pure bees wax. Cord twisted up from some natural fiber from my stores ... not sure what fiber! Stopper from Hazel with leather Turks Head oiled with Flaxseed oil. Just over 1 pint capacity
Project 22
Leather Water Bottle
Cut from scraps of3.5mm Veg tanned leather, saddle sewn with linen thread, wet moulded with sand then hardened and waterproofed with pure bees wax. Cord twisted up from some natural fiber from my stores ... not sure what fiber! Stopper from Hazel with leather Turks Head oiled with Flaxseed oil. Just over 1 pint capacity
.View attachment 59285View attachment 59286
Do you coat the inside with beeswax too? How long does it last before you have to reproof it?
Project 23
Not quite thimbles, not quite sewing palms, not quite thumbstocks - but offering thumb protection when carving or sewing....
Ambidexterous, wet formed, 3.5mm Veg Tanned leather, sewn with artificial sinew, dyed with Eco-Flo dye and treated with home made dubbin.
I am getting really desperate for projects.... no point making stock to sell - will I be making stuff that will not sell using materials that I could have used to replace stuff that is selling well ... if I ever get my stall in operation again? I can't afford to use good materials just to make stuff just to make stuff which may never be used. I do not actually need anything major myself and stuff I would like I do not have all the bits for and with an income based on furlough at 1 day a week I cannot afford to buy luxuries.
So - if I cannot make something from stuff I have in the "Off-cuts and might come in useful" pile - then it ain't getting made!
I like making stuff - but I also like reading and walking - so more of those are getting done at the moment!

another little doodle for you to see
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And so endeth the lockdown projects - I go back to work today!
OK - it is only learning the new procedures ahead of letting the plague ridden hordes of tourists back onto the Iron Age site, pus a bit of maintenance but it is a start. No word as to when the campsite will reopen for my doing the Bushcraft sessions and no chance of getting my craftwork sales up and running yet...
But after I ran out of materials for my projects I turned to fitness training (mainly adding extra walks and cycle rides to my usual daily program) and from only being able to walk one mile, with the aid of a stick, when my knees were at their worst a couple of years back, I have recently managed NINE miles over the course of a day ... on pretty flat terrain, mainly surfaced lanes and tracks - and I have lost a couple more kilos in weight while still putting on a bit of muscle as well!
So - C-19 has not been all bad for me so far!
OK - work is tailing off after the holiday period and the effects of Covid are still with us... no schools yet booked for visits to the Iron Age Village... so back to covid projects!
Project 24
A tool roll. I bought a cheap set of carving tools - very cheap, second hand... almost given away... so I made them a tool roll...
Upholstery leather bought at the 2019 Moot sewn on a domestic machine.
You sir are an inspiration to us all. Very well done and thanks for sharing all of these wonderful projects. My highlight of the bunch was your Ash whisky cup, I think I'm going to have to try and make one for myself.
Interesting I have never tried that, does your parboiling solution include something else besides water?
reduce the amount of tannin in the nuts...
This is the reason I asked as tannins are acidic some people use basic chemicals to neutralise them. I am not quite certain it works like that in this case, it would be better to leach them out. Tannins do not have a great taste.
hello John, i'm interested in getting into some DIY work somewhat similar to what you've been posting here in this thread and i wonder if you have ever posted info on your sewing equipment. i'm specifically interested in what sewing machine you use and what your thoughts on it might be.

i used to do some basic leather work on an old treadle Singer. you had to help it along fairly frequently but i quite enjoyed it. i do wish i still had access to it but sadly it passed out of the family long ago.
These days my "go to" sewing machine is just one from Aldi, though I also have a Husquavena "Rose" model (that is pretty worn out) a Toyota Super Jeans for heavier work and a hand cranked Singer which is mainly used in power cuts :)
All the most recent stuff was done on the Aldi...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.