more wood shavings on the carpet

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
I think Nicola may be just as guilty of the inhouse carving ;)
My living room floor has been covered in shavings almost constantly since the end of october as I sat there infront of the telly carving christmas presents. For SWMBO the problem isn't that I get shavings on hte livingroom floor, but that they stick to aour socks and to the dog who then drags them upsairs and onto the bed! :rolleyes:

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
I am beginning to realise that I am lucky to be able to carve in the front room, its not something that had ever really crossed my mind. We have always done it, the carpet is actually cleaner when we are carving then when we are not because it gets hoovered every day.It takes less than 5 minutes to scoop the big bits into the kindling basket, a dustpan scoops the rest into the fire followed by a whisk round with the hoover.

mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
I just put a blanket and catch the worst in that and then hoover the rest. I remember to take my sock's off so as it doesnt carry bit's around the house. I wouldnt use an axe in the front room though (3 wild bairns=too much close risk :lmao: plus the eldest would try to eat and swallow the chip's) plus the dork's that built the floor used chip board over foam insulation, its not real solid and would bounce and make too much noise. Nice african style tripod block Robin. I thought I could possibly do a hefty3 legged creepy stool to keep under my irish/welsh hybrid "windsor" :rolleyes: best arm chair (its now yellow-orange :eek: :lmao: ) so I could do downward power cut's onto it? I feel safer with a solid mass to cut against.
PS my 2 knives arrived this morning, the frost sloyd actually WAS quite sharp out the box, its insanely sharp now after stropping. The hook will take a bit of fettleing to get it good though (relieve the secondrey bevells a bit).

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I am very houseproud!

I am proud that it does not have that OCD "only just finished cleaning it so I had better start at the begining again" look!

When I got married and my wife bought the house we still live in, my parents bought us a load of Delft tiles, including one with the legens - "This house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy"!
This tile is set in the wall above our stove and we do our best to live up to it!:rolleyes:


Jul 9, 2006
North Carolina, USA
Since my son and I both have allergies the floors are all solid pine. we do have a carpet in the living room that my girls roll up out of the way to practice Irish dance.

When I have to carve inside I just sweep up with the broom. I try to keep all that in the shop now since the chief accountant agreed to budget the materials. It's the least I can do for her.


Nov 5, 2007
Bristol, England
My family have had to put up with the hoover living in my room since I started messing about with wood. I always forget how much wood sticks to my socks and I walk it all over the house. Does make me clean the stairs more though :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.