More survival than Bushcraft.

Mods if this is in the wrong place please move to its rightfull spot.:D
Gents a longish while ago there was an expedition by some Royal Marines to climb down and into a valley in Malaysia (I think ) which all went belly up.
The expedition turned into a series of disasters which resulted in a massive search and rescue/ survival of those involved and the local government also the MOD, if my memory serves me.
What I am trying to find is the documentary that was made of this event, there was also a film made but the name of both escapes me and I have had a stumble arround the web but come up empty handed.
If anyone remembers this or has any idea where I can look I would be gratefull.
Many thanks Folks


Life Member
Dec 31, 2005
I remember watching the show on that incident it was pretty good. If memory serves on return to civilisation one of the guys had the bulk of the blame foisted on him. Whether this was fair I don't know, I remember thinking it wasn't having watched the show. I've been up mount Kinabalu and I having looked down to where they went it was a ballsy choice.
Nov 29, 2004
I recall a program which looked at the events and that also featured on of the original expedition members attempting to recover a video camera sealed in a pelicase that they had abandoned on the first trip, they didn;t find it, which is a pity, that would have made for some interesting viewing.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2006
The expedition was an Army expedition but the Mountain Leader in charge of the climbing was a Royal Marine. By all accounts the leaders were incompetent and totally under estimated what they were undertaking. They also over ruled the Royal Marine who wanted to stop the trip when he realised how serious it was. They leaders wrote an account which is quite a good read:

There was also a version by the Marine who wanted to give his version of events although I don't remember the name of his book. One of my bosses was involved in the rescue and got to within a mile of the stuck group but they were at the end of their supply chain and could not get any further without more rope and supplies. Fortunately the missing group were spotted by helicopter soon after.

The incident really shook up the Adventurous Training system in the Armed Forces and the requirements of a leader are a lot stricter now than they were.
Mar 10, 2013
for my sins or should say or my clumsy feet I managed to fall down 200 feet of a mountain while doing a jungle treck in Sabah and ended up in the same private hospital as these Booties nit was like living in a star hotel and must admit the medical services ( helecopter rescue and ambulance plane as well as the ambulance service was fantastic too )


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