Moot 2006 thanks

just got to a computer and would like to say "thanks to Admin. and all those that help put the moot 2006 wales on".
It was great fun hope to be there next year to. It was good to see you all having fun again. Listening to Mors was good he's very inspire-ing, thanks for comimg over. Thanks beachbum for the light, thanks for the bow brardster.

best wishes
Rich.... .. V.S.​

beach bum

On a new journey
Jul 15, 2004
T'was nice meeting you too ;) think nothing of the fauxton I've got a couple :rolleyes:

Could I too, take this opportunity of thanking all those who gave freely of their time, knowledge and in some cases materials, you guys really are the best :You_Rock_ Thanks as well to Tony and his wife without who all these good things would n't have happened. :)
Thanks guys you know who you are ;)

It's really good to put names to faces, that's why I'll put my name down now for the next one :D


beach bum


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