In investigating just why a little used pair of Raichle Mountain Trail GTX boots are experiencing a disintegrating midsole unit I happened upon the linked article describing why the midsole disintegrates on boots that might not even be used, to consider yep Hydrolysis seems to be the cause of the death of mine, to know through reading various on here I am not the only one that is experiencing or has experienced this problem.
To say given the deterioration of the Raichles and the fact that my mid 80's Boots Combat Highs have become less than comfortable to wear , I am forced to be in the market for a new pair of boots. To in my case due to narrow feet need to have them properly fitted to have a manufacturer in mind, to just be waiting until I am able to visit a certain real live high street shop, I am thus forced for now to yet again attend to the Raichle's with Stormsure and Klebfest glues, where if successful with this gluing, they should last about six months before I would have to glue them up again where before six months are up I hope to have new boots.
But anyway I now know why the Raichle's have let me down.
Midsole Midlife Crisis - Bergpost
Every now and then our service team receives a call from a customer concerned that the sole of their boot has come off. In some cases, it’s crumbled to
To say given the deterioration of the Raichles and the fact that my mid 80's Boots Combat Highs have become less than comfortable to wear , I am forced to be in the market for a new pair of boots. To in my case due to narrow feet need to have them properly fitted to have a manufacturer in mind, to just be waiting until I am able to visit a certain real live high street shop, I am thus forced for now to yet again attend to the Raichle's with Stormsure and Klebfest glues, where if successful with this gluing, they should last about six months before I would have to glue them up again where before six months are up I hope to have new boots.
But anyway I now know why the Raichle's have let me down.