Back, Hips, and other gripes.

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Nov 2, 2022
I have recently returned to hiking and camping after an absense of over 40 years. Apart from the expected lower level of fitness (which is steadly improving) I have been experiencing hip pain on my right hip, not something that ever troubled me in my youth even when completing long distance walks over weeks.

I have a congenital length discrepancy of 23mm (right leg is shorter) that I was unaware of untill I was in my thirties when I was a keen cyclist. A pedal adaptation resolved that nut I have never until now done anything with respect to adapting boots.

Recently I had a pair of boots adapted and it has all but completely eliminated the hip pain. At least on walks with the dog 5 to 10km where previously I would have experienced some discomfort.

I am yet to go out with a loaded pack, but feel quite optimistic about it.

I am sharing this story in case it helps anyone else who is experiencing unexplaned hip pain.
Get your leg lengths checked it may be a you can find some relief.
My wife is suffering from bad hip pains because she's got really bad rheumatoid arthritis in her knees.

Basically one is bone on bone and the other nearly the same so it means she walks awkwardly which then causes the issues for her hips :(

She's waiting to get a knee replacement op but when that'll be we have no idea, I mean it's only been 10 years she's been suffering...
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My wife is suffering from bad hip pains because she's got really bad rheumatoid arthritis in her knees.

Basically one is bone on bone and the other nearly the same so it means she walks awkwardly which then causes the issues for her hips :(

She's waiting to get a knee replacement op but when that'll be we have no idea, I mean it's only been 10 years she's been suffering...
Similar for me, I have arthritis in my left foot. It causes me to bear my weight unevenly and the slight awkwardness in my posture/step means that I hurt my knee and hip more easily. I don’t need it all the time but I find that a suitably bushcrafty stick helps me on uneven or slippy ground. I’m only 53.
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My wife is suffering from bad hip pains because she's got really bad rheumatoid arthritis in her knees.

Basically one is bone on bone and the other nearly the same so it means she walks awkwardly which then causes the issues for her hips :(

She's waiting to get a knee replacement op but when that'll be we have no idea, I mean it's only been 10 years she's been suffering...

My wife is suffering from bad hip pains because she's got really bad rheumatoid arthritis in her knees.

Basically one is bone on bone and the other nearly the same so it means she walks awkwardly which then causes the issues for her hips :(

She's waiting to get a knee replacement op but when that'll be we have no idea, I mean it's only been 10 years she's been rr

My wife is suffering from bad hip pains because she's got really bad rheumatoid arthritis in her knees.

Basically one is bone on bone and the other nearly the same so it means she walks awkwardly which then causes the issues for her hips :(

She's waiting to get a knee replacement op but when that'll be we have no idea, I mean it's only been 10 years she's been suffering...
Sorry to hear that
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Similar for me, I have arthritis in my left foot. It causes me to bear my weight unevenly and the slight awkwardness in my posture/step means that I hurt my knee and hip more easily. I don’t need it all the time but I find that a suitably bushcrafty stick helps me on uneven or slippy ground. I’m only 53.
Nowadays I always take two walking poles (my wife made it rule) so I walk like quadraped - lol.
Especially helpful when descending and on open moorland, has saved from a few tumbles.
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Mesquite, it sounds as though your good lady wife is in a bad way, I understand just how upsetting this must be because both my parents have gone through the same problem and have 3 knee and 2 hip replacements between them. Covid has really got in the way of treatments.
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I’m off topic but this needs saying.
I can retell multiple stories of people in a group hike gone missing and never found. I’m
Like huh? Until I joined one. You have alpha males with their idiotic Ranger Beads setting a pace worthy of Beau Gest mixed in with people who slip off trail for a moment of privacy sans compass or whistle and people who say ‘ go ahead, I’ll catch up.
These have been ‘organized’ by scoutmasters and other ‘experienced hikers.’ Well I hated to tell this one sunshine Sierra Club
‘Leader’ but she was experienced in leading a hike 99 times WRONG.
If anyone hikes with a friend or group they should be ‘joined at the hip from start to finish’ bad hip or
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I’m off topic but this needs saying.
I can retell multiple stories of people in a group hike gone missing and never found. I’m
Like huh? Until I joined one. You have alpha males with their idiotic Ranger Beads setting a pace worthy of Beau Gest mixed in with people who slip off trail for a moment of privacy sans compass or whistle and people who say ‘ go ahead, I’ll catch up.
These have been ‘organized’ by scoutmasters and other ‘experienced hikers.’ Well I hated to tell this one sunshine Sierra Club
‘Leader’ but she was experienced in leading a hike 99 times WRONG.
If anyone hikes with a friend or group they should be ‘joined at the hip from start to finish’ bad hip or
Agreed, not every walk has to be a route march. Sometimes it’s nice to slow the pace, have a brew and really take in your surroundings.
I'm regularly overtaken by everyone.
I don't mind, I'm the one who gets to see the fat little Robin and have a little conversation with him and his shyer little wife.
The squirrel and I often spend a few minutes with him swearing at me, as I've not left any nuts for him on the bench by the pond, from which the dragonfly regularly came to inspect me as I sat and watched the water boatmen rowing, and the damsel flies ovipositing.
The blackbird keeps searching for worms untill I am within a few feet of him, before he flies up onto a branch, and his yellow eye looks straight into mine as I pass, and wish him good worm hunting and a safe night.
Little wren is a bit more skittish, and realy is too busy to talk, so doesn't hang about to pass the time of day.

So a ten minute walk takes twice as long, but its worth every second that
I'm forced to slow down with my wonky knee and painful joints.
I'm regularly overtaken by everyone.
I don't mind, I'm the one who gets to see the fat little Robin and have a little conversation with him and his shyer little wife.
The squirrel and I often spend a few minutes with him swearing at me, as I've not left any nuts for him on the bench by the pond, from which the dragonfly regularly came to inspect me as I sat and watched the water boatmen rowing, and the damsel flies ovipositing.
The blackbird keeps searching for worms untill I am within a few feet of him, before he flies up onto a branch, and his yellow eye looks straight into mine as I pass, and wish him good worm hunting and a safe night.
Little wren is a bit more skittish, and realy is too busy to talk, so doesn't hang about to pass the time of day.

So a ten minute walk takes twice as long, but its worth every second that
I'm forced to slow down with my wonky knee and painful joints.
I have to admit I am also noticing that there is often as much to see within a few yards of me, as I used to see all day on a hike. Its a different perspective.
I have to admit I am also noticing that there is often as much to see within a few yards of me, as I used to see all day on a hike. Its a different perspective.

So true, people who have lived here, twice as long as me, have no idea where the wild gooseberry Bush is on the walk into town. They pass it every day. See nothing, especially with the new trend of walking around with eyes and ears glued to a mobile phone!!!
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