Whats the state of the ground up there at the moment Phil?
No idea at the mo, I'm about 10 miles away and my eye sight isn't quite that good
- but I'd say that Steve's about right with:
: Need you ask after all the rain we've just had.
It'll be boggy on the paths for sure
From experience - the paths down in the bottom corner
will be more than mildly moist. The majority of the ground on PC11, however,
'should' be reasonably ok. The local weather forecast is for more rain this week :Wow: .
If it's remotely likely to rain then I'd advise that folk pitch away from ditches, depressions and to not take advantge of a comfortable bed of moss!
LOL...I know, Maybe Phil can get a big sponge out ...
I'm no sponger!
Only problem is with that is Phil won't be there, he's off for a prance.. opps sorry dance
Salt and wound, salt and wound
... He hasn't shared the location of the big sponge with Gary and myself so you better bring your own sponges
The ground is the sponge - once it becomes saturated the run off and standing water can be quite impressive :yikes: .