Medical scenarios

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Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
Would anyone from the Forum with adequate qualified experience or credentials be able or willing to write and run a series of individual medical type first aid scenarios? Maybe with multiple options or incrementally difficult type situations that can be posed to test deductive skills ? from basic to more complex?

Maybe an ongoing thing.
This is a brilliant idea!
If it works out then maybe it should be pinned.

Could it even have a rapid access field on the home page?
An alternative POV and thread might be for people to post actual events on here and get feedback on the best action they should of taken. Then they can let us know what they did do and how it went.
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An alternative POV and thread might be for people to post actual events on here and get feedback on the best action they should of taken. Then they can let us know what they did do and how it went.

My preference would to be able to have an established incremental framework of progressing 'learn-along' type scenarios starting from very simple to more complicated - having somewhat controlled set scenarios I think will allow for learning to be maximised and accelerated.

The down side of using real world examples 'after the fact' is that its that - Multiple " You should have done X " or " You should have found Y and used it to Z " - Whilst these type or recollections are clearly based in fact i'm not convinced they would form part of a suitable learning system.
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Sorry, I’m not entirely convinced this is a good idea…

I think if people want to learn medical protocols the best thing they can do is go through a registered training provider and attend a real life course. Even though you mention qualified personnel, if someone ends up in the worst thinkable situation I don’t think “I read it on a forum your honour” would be enough defence. Regardless of how “qualified” the person who wrote that post could be.
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Neat idea :D

I think you'd need to write, or at least Edit, that yourself, tbh.

We all know examples of what not to do, and of how even the most careful and skillful among us fell foul of something simple that ended up a real bloodbath.

How they coped and how they'd do in the future though.....?
Sorry, I’m not entirely convinced this is a good idea…

I think if people want to learn medical protocols the best thing they can do is go through a registered training provider and attend a real life course. Even though you mention qualified personnel, if someone ends up in the worst thinkable situation I don’t think “I read it on a forum your honour” would be enough defence. Regardless of how “qualified” the person who wrote that post could be.
Sincerely asking - Is that a concern that has been pursued in such a manner? and recently?
TBH In what is becoming a very litigious world, I can't see any medical professional willing to undertake and put their name to the task being asked by the OP (I'll stand corrected though).
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I like the idea and would certainly have a go as a participant.

From my experience even professionals disagree with each other over medical matters, I’m talking at top emergency surgeon level as well.

Every trainer thinks that their training is the best.

I teach first aid at an Emergency First Aid at Work level, and tell my students that you will seldom hear me say mustn’t or never, as every situation is different.
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If the reasoning people consider this a bad idea ( which it maybe ) because of potential concern of litigious type pursuit in a hypothetical prosecution then I would ask respectfully when has this last occurred and been proven? Can someone cite an example?

With the mass of ' for entertainment purposes only ' type waiver statements abound on media these days is it a genuine credible concern? or more a smoke & mirrors bogeyman under the bed ?

How one would/could prove content posted on a forum somewhere for education and entertainment in a massive myriad of what is information over supply and what seems to irritate some more , misinformation and disinformation criticised by those that deem they know 'right'.
In my opinion it sounds like a good idea, interesting, informative and useful.
Personally, I think the forum is at it's best when tapping into, and sharing this sort of knowledge and experience of it's members.
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In my opinion it sounds like a good idea, interesting, informative and useful.
Personally, I think the forum is at it's best when tapping into, and sharing this sort of knowledge from it's members.

Yes - I can't get my head around ( unless there is precedents ) of the concern - has this equally been applied to Navigation? Foraging? Mushroom identification?
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Sorry, I’m not entirely convinced this is a good idea…

I think if people want to learn medical protocols the best thing they can do is go through a registered training provider and attend a real life course. Even though you mention qualified personnel, if someone ends up in the worst thinkable situation I don’t think “I read it on a forum your honour” would be enough defence. Regardless of how “qualified” the person who wrote that post could be.

I don't think anyone is saying this replaces getting proper 1st aid training but could augment it. No course can deliver everything so many of us revert to books to go beyond the basic FAW and suchlike. I personally went on one of @Wayne 's excellent week long first aid courses before leading an overland trip out into Africa but I still welcome a refresher on some of the topics now and then.
I don't think anyone is saying this replaces getting proper 1st aid training but could augment it. No course can deliver everything so many of us revert to books to go beyond the basic FAW and suchlike. I personally went on one of @Wayne 's excellent week long first aid courses before leading an overland trip out into Africa but I still welcome a refresher on some of the topics now and then.

I'd see it as more a thought exercise - run through the scenario in ones head , consider the options available , how one would react or what one would be looking for , a mental check list etc. As opposed to what one may consider as true instruction. If that helps.
Not to my knowledge but it is something that gets mentioned on first aid courses and is becoming a growing concern particularly in the outdoor industry.
I used to teach first aid at work and basic first responder courses about 25 years ago and it was a consideration then, so I don’t think it’s a new, or growing concern. I never paid it much mind, mind you I have professional indemnity and liability insurance, but then I also have the concept of the ‘Good Samaritan (SARAH act?)’ to fall back on which covers HCPS and doctors for off-duty aid rendered? And other professionals I think, but I can’t remember
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