medical alert bracelets at school.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
The real ones from the actual organization have a toll free number (staffed 24/7) that has all your up to date info and the phone number (along with your membership numer) to contact your own doctor and family (or other legal next of kin) so they can verify ALL info is current.

As others have said, no first responder is going to take them at face value. The ability to verify is a neccessity. That said, no first responder is allowed to ignore them either.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
I can see both sides here as I'm a school first aider and the teacher who leads on behaviour / rules and a parent.

Every school has a list of pupils with medical conditions, and following the recent (ish) death of a pupil, asthma is a big priority...we have an asthma policy which supplements the first aid policy.

So, assuming you have told the school, they already know your kids have asthma, making the bracelets redundant.

Also every first aid course covers asthma, so it will lays be fresh in the mind of the First aider on scene.



Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
it wasnt untill today that the 'inhaler box' was taken out to the football pitch for after school club,the volunteer parents that run the clubs dont know who is asthmatic.


Feb 9, 2012
Dorset for good...!!
I think they were totally out of order... I wonder what their reaction would be if your kids turned up
with the condition tattooed on their forearms.... :rolleyes:
(wasn't suggesting that, btw.... )


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I think they were totally out of order... I wonder what their reaction would be if your kids turned up
with the condition tattooed on their forearms.... :rolleyes:
(wasn't suggesting that, btw.... )

I was wondering their reaction to a diabetic student showing up with an alert dog. Our local school board voiced objections to such a student last year. They went so far as to deny her dog entrance. The federal marshalls had to threaten arrest of the school board to gain compliance.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
it wasnt untill today that the 'inhaler box' was taken out to the football pitch for after school club,the volunteer parents that run the clubs dont know who is asthmatic.
Shoddy practice...

As an activity instructor, both in Scouts and school, I always ask if anyone has a "condition" that could affect them during the session. This should be standard practice these days...



On a new journey
I think I would follow the advice above, about arranging a meeting with the head master. explaining your reasons, asking for him to provide written confirmation as to why they have banned a recognised medical alert bracelet, giving the exact policy in which this refers, and his decision.
I would also ask if any staff member wear such bracelets and if so would they also be subject to the ruling, ask him to provide a full risk assessment (as he has quoted HS, this is required) also ask for the schools active action plan for pupils with known medical issues and a statement that all his staff are suitable trained and hold relevant valid up-to date certification. Also if the school has a nurse ask to see their action plan if the nurse for whatever reason is unavailable.

I have a lot of time for necessary Health and Safety practices,they help to save lives; what I don't have time for is pompous bureaucrats using it to inflate their own self-importance.
If it help save a life it should be allowed. When is a uniform policy more important than a child's health and safety?
sorry rant over. :soapbox:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 24, 2009
The school is bang out of order IMHO, perhaps they do look a bit 'trendy' but still no excuse if the school had knowledge of their condition.

A few years ago I did come across a chap that had collapsed, after going through all the correct procedures I wasn't sure what was up, called 999 and while I was waiting I located an SOS talisman stating that he was diabetic, it all fell in to place then and I alerted the ambulance crew to it when they arrived. They are well known and do look professional, see here.........


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