

May 5, 2005
Not a UK stockist as such but try contacting Schwert by PM or e-mail. He should be able to sort you out if anyone can.


Full Member
Nov 17, 2003
Michigan, USA
Beer Monster said:
Sorry being a bit stupid today (it is Friday :D ) ......... is the KM Matchcase one of the screw top brass ones?

The top is not a screwtop. It's a friction fit, sealed by two "O" rings and held tight by cordage. In the past you could get them in brass and aluminum. Not sure what is available at the moment.


Jul 31, 2005
I emailed Randy Schaffer of KM just the other day to see if they are doing international orders yet and the short answer is not yet! His reply was:

"We currently are not set up for credit or paypal payment on the site. Keith and I are working on a new process that should be coming along in a couple of months.

The internet pressures of delivery were stressing both of us out so we currently are only doing mail order sales. We will modify the site when we are ready once again for international sales.

Sorry about this, but hopefully we will be able to provide this service once again in the future.


I assume the mail order is for the States only.

If you do find a way of getting some then I would be keen for one. Hope it helps


eddie brann

ive been after one in brass for ages use to use 35 mil film canisters now use mil screw top plastic bot realy wont one in brass keep us informed


Apr 30, 2004
Seattle WA USA
Yes, Joff is correct on the international delivery.

Both Keith and I had family members die last fall at which point I halted sales. Currently we have his mailing address up for mail order sales on the web site...the old fashioned way. Money orders from US or Canada (in US dollars) or personal checks from US customers are fine.

We are trying to figure out a web order process that will not kill either of us. The instant demands of the internet are quite difficult for cottage industries and old guys :rolleyes:

Sorry about this but until we can modify the expectations of the credit card processor we feel this is the best process.

The cases are indeed excellent and like Hoodoo states have friction fit stoppers.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 31, 2006
Who knows
on the subject of match cases i just thought i would say that i lost mine today whilst cycling, must have fallen out of my pocket :( time to make a new one then


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
The KM cases are very good indeed - sorry, but I'm not selling mine!

However, another good buy are vintage matchcases by Marbles and Everdry. The Marbles one has a 1906 patent and is readily available off international ebay. They have an ingenious captive screw top so you don't lose it.

Rutstrum advocated the Marbles design in 'The New Way of the Wilderness'. I have one and it is still impressively watertight after maybe 50 years. I also have a circa 1940s marbles 'Expert' belt knife that is also still eminently serviceable. I like American engineering - especially vintage American engineering. :)

Unfortunately the Marbles matchsafe is now collectable but you can buy a serviceable but slightly cosmetically impaired one for a reasonable price as the collectors don't like them scratched.

The Everdry design looks very similar but I have never handled one. They are somewhat cheaper.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 25, 2005
Greensand Ridge
With absolutely no disrespect to or criticism of, the closing/sealing mechanism of Schwert’s product, does anyone know where to track-down one of those brass screw-thread match holders of yesteryear? I can still see the warm-toned front cover of a long-forgotten edition of the Guns & Ammo (“High Country Hunting Special”) journal with one of them nestling amongst the leather straps of a backpack and the fine walnut as graced a particularly cute Pre-64 Model 70 Winchester.

Sorry, I’m just that kind of guy when it comes to certain kit as relates to that which has always fired my imagination and desire to be in the woods. Call it just another one of those “boys toys” if you will but they always looked the part to my impressionable 70’s eye and I now want one please!



Apr 30, 2004
Seattle WA USA

I am not certain if I know what case you may remember, but my earliest memories were of the EverDry and Marbles cases. Given the reference source of your memory, I would think that either of these cases could fit the bill. Both were brass with a chrome plate...the older and more carried they were/are the more brass shows. Both are available on ebay often, so take a look there and see if the images are what you remember.

I have my Grandfather's old EverDry and would not trade it for anything (even if I do believe that the K&M design is superior :D ).


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
Klenchblaize, this is the Marbles case (with familiar object for scale)



On a new journey
Jul 9, 2004
Rossendale, Lancashire
I'm very impressed with the K&M matchsafe so have grovelled to a mate in Nevada to source me one. Thanks folks for making us aware of it. All my match safes have screw threads which I tend to ruin so this looks just the job.




Full Member
Nov 17, 2003
Michigan, USA
Doc said:
Unfortunately the Marbles matchsafe is now collectable but you can buy a serviceable but slightly cosmetically impaired one for a reasonable price as the collectors don't like them scratched.

The Everdry design looks very similar but I have never handled one. They are somewhat cheaper.

I like the Everdry better (on the left). The story I heard from collectors was that folks began favoring the Everdry so much that Marbles (center) stopped producing their matchsafe. Another neat one is the old Boyscout model that lifts the matches up when you open it. Don't know who manufactured this model. Still made today but the design and materials have changed a bit.


That Everdry I picked up recently and have not replaced the old matches. The "Marbles" in the center is actually a Herters but Marbles made it. Identical except Herters' name is stamped on the matchsafe instead of Marbles.

Mikey P

Full Member
Nov 22, 2003
Glasgow, Scotland
I'm slightly hesitant to say this as I really don't want to place extra pressure on K&M (I saw your comments about why online ordering had been stopped), and, unfortunately, because of my current location I can't actually take this on myself but...

Is there a possibility for a K&M match case group buy? It sounds as if this is a really great product with numerous testamonials above. It is the kind of bomb-proof, multi-use item that would sell very well among the BCUK community.

If some kind soul in the US could collect cash via, say, Paypal and then distribute the items to the European community...? If sent as gifts, there should be no additional tax to pay as they are worth less than $100 each.

Here's a thought: assuming a minimum number of people ordered, we would arrange the price to cover Paypal and p&p fees also and allow the US point of contact to get a matchcase for nothing. This would be an incentive to someone, perhaps? The European puchasers would still get an excellent product for a good price.

Alternatively, would one of the UK bushcraft equipment companies (Bearclaw? Bison? Etc) be willing to take these on as a catalogue item to sell?

It's just a thought but, if this is not acceptable to K&M, please say so now so we can stop this gaining any momentum!

I hope this suggestion doesn't put anyone out - my apologies if it just creates a problem, as it's not my intention.


Dec 31, 2006
At $35 including postage I took the plunge. The order response email calls it the Silva Brass Matchcase. A quick look on the web shows more outlets for the case, none in the UK that I could find though.

Will post a 'review' when it arrives.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.