I know about some tribes trading with pale face, I've seen quite a few westerns,........but I think this would have been much later on, after the colonials had killed off most of the game,& cut the forests to make agricultural land. Life would have been much harder & pale face's iron sticks would have given them an edge.. I also believe that those natives living near colonial settlements would have become dependent on white man, especially those that had lost their culture. Pale face's fire water has destroyed many native cultures
True some tribes did farm & may have helped white man plant, but you would have been very ill advised to ask an apache how to prune a runner bean, if you didn't want a part of your anatomy hanging from his belt.
Colonialists were europeans with an attitude problem, considering anyone who wasn't white & christian as inferior to them & the Indians were looked upon as animals, as were all native peoples at that time (I think some people still do)