I'm sure that's how it all works in your mind. In an ideal scenario, sure. Problem with conflict/combat is that, its never an ideal scenario. Not everyone is a combat medic, and when several men go down, there's often a wait before they can get to you. So people did what they could. I carry something in my first aid kit, to cauterise a wound as well as a tourniquet, in the event of an arterial bleed. Its not the ideal way to treat such an injury, potentially leading to complications later. But i have a better chance of getting proper medical treatment by using them, than if i applied a bandage. I'm sure if you go googling, you'll find a lot of stuff saying you shouldnt do either. But then you'd just be dead before you get proper care.Packing gauze would be used first if was a serious bleed. FFD would then wrap and maintain pressure on the whole lot.