Left or Right?

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rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I'm left handed, I write, paint, use tools and usually, press buttons, with my left hand.
I have never knowingly had any real trouble, being a left handed person other than my hand writing is, for the most part, carp!.

Anyway, although I always use my knife and other tools, in my left hand, I prefer to carry my knife on the right and "cross draw" it for use.

So how do you carry your tools?

just wondering

Good question that Steve

I`m naturally right handed at everything but I used to play cricket and golf left handed for some reason. I think it was something to do with having my dominant right side facing the target / bowler.

I also wear my knife on my left hip and cross draw with my right hand. I always cut with my right too.
I am naturally right handed, using tools etc comfortably recently started archery were I found out that I am right eye dominant this could of been a problem apparently as I was the only person in group with this problem. I was advised to close my left eye to compensate this seemed to work, if it didn't I would of used a left handed bow. As a result I can just about hit the target. I wonder what it would be like to be able to use left/right equally.
right handed but left eye dominant. Shoot rifles and bows left handed, maybe the same as you other part time rightys. You can check by making a circle with your fingers and sighting through it. Close one eye and if what you're seeing doesn't move, that's the dominant eye.

Knife is under my left arm but cross draw it with right hand.


i'm a lefty too for everything. scientists say your born left handed, not just by using your left hand more when you were younger. does do my head in though that certain left handed items do cost more!

I can use either. It all depends on which hand i'm using for something new, i can confuse myself easly. I usually have my knife on left.
i'm a lefty too for everything. scientists say your born left handed, not just by using your left hand more when you were younger. does do my head in though that certain left handed items do cost more!


The only thing I have any bother with is tin openers, being a lefty is no bother to me at all otherwise.
I do end up spending quite a bit of time learning to tie knots and stuff like that mind you:D
Right hander use my right for everything except when eating i too hold the knife in my left hand :confused:

I'm right handed, but carry my knife on my left hip and cross draw. This is because i have a Leatherman, Swiss Army penknife and a mobile phone pouch that live on my right hip so there's no room to carry the knife on my right. It also feels natural to me as I used to carry a sword ( re enactment) and had to cross draw it due to the length.

I shoot and use bows etc with my left hand as I am blind in my right eye and don't have any other option so I had to learn to shoot left handed.

Heavy knife on the left, because the buckle stops the belt slipping through the loops on the trousers and letting the knife fall when undone for calls of nature.:)
Righty m'self - when wearing my knife on the baldric (as is usual now) I wear it on my left side for a cross-draw, even though it's a verticle sheath. Oddly though, when I wear a verticle belt sheath it's always on my right side, and usually pushed quite far back. I daresay my Leuku, once handled and sheathed, will be on my right side at hip-level or on a horizontal sheath on the left side. I do find the cross draw quite useful, in that if I need to hold something with my right hand, my left can get the knife safely back into the sheath without jabbing me, as is common when the sheaths on the right side and I'm using my left hand :o
With the right hand its writing and darts, left hand its shooting, using a spade, pool/snooker, turning left
use both when using tools ie, saw, hammer, drills etc, but a knife has to be in my right hand most of the time.

Didn't realise there were so many of us cack-handed out there.
Interesting... I'm left handed. Multitool is usually on right. When I'm carrying sheath knives, worn on the left. That in spite of the Lapp Puukko still being in original right hand sheath.

Sometimes it frustrates me that so many things are designed for right handers, almost to the point of excluding left hand use. Right handers look at you like you have two heads when you complain but give them a pair of left handed scissors... :)

Mr Badger. Left handed and rubbish handwriting. Both traits are common amongst Dyslexics. Are you one as well? I suffered through education with slow, laborious and untidy handwriting. I was statmented as Dyslexic when I was 12. It's always intersesting to hear others experiences. I'm still having to figure out ways around everyday stuff that is difficult for me to do the same way as most people.

Please excuse the meandering from topic!

Dyslexics have more fnu.
Interesting... I'm left handed. Multitool is usually on right. When I'm carrying sheath knives, worn on the left. That in spite of the Lapp Puukko still being in original right hand sheath.

Sometimes it frustrates me that so many things are designed for right handers, almost to the point of excluding left hand use. Right handers look at you like you have two heads when you complain but give them a pair of left handed scissors... :)

Mr Badger. Left handed and rubbish handwriting. Both traits are common amongst Dyslexics. Are you one as well? I suffered through education with slow, laborious and untidy handwriting. I was statmented as Dyslexic when I was 12. It's always intersesting to hear others experiences. I'm still having to figure out ways around everyday stuff that is difficult for me to do the same way as most people.

Please excuse the meandering from topic!

Dyslexics have more fnu.

It sucks. Wear watch on left wrist so that is left. I am lucky in some ways, but would really like my memory to work right. Do you find yourself doing things over, and over again so they slip into the other part of your memory, and stick.

Bizarrely I am basically amibdextruse. Like anything it is just a matter of practice. Also if you give a little more time to your bad side, your good side gets better, something to do with thinking about it, because you are building the muscle memory.

I had heard that being left handed was caused by being a twin at some point in the development process.

I like my main knife on my left side, because if on right, tend to smack it off things.
I'm left handed, I write, paint, use tools and usually, press buttons, with my left hand.
I have never knowingly had any real trouble, being a left handed person other than my hand writing is, for the most part, carp!.

Anyway, although I always use my knife and other tools, in my left hand, I prefer to carry my knife on the right and "cross draw" it for use.

So how do you carry your tools?

just wondering


Same as you Steve - even the hand writing + my spelling :rolleyes:

Got a left handed sheath with my Kukri and ware that on my right.
I'm left handed in all but eating and writing, but with practice i could write with my left. Shoot right handed but i could draw a bow with either. Both parents are left handed so i think that has something to do with me being ambidextrous. I can use a hammer/axe in both hands though.:D
right handed but left eye dominant. Shoot rifles and bows left handed, maybe the same as you other part time rightys. You can check by making a circle with your fingers and sighting through it. Close one eye and if what you're seeing doesn't move, that's the dominant eye.

Knife is under my left arm but cross draw it with right hand.


im right handed and i cross draw a knife from my left hip.

i'm left eye dominate due to my right eye being fuzzy and really poor (both together its fine) - i shoot off my right shoulder, but using my left eye, which takes some doing ;p - having a higher than usual scope /sights helps.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.