Left or Right?

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Interesting thread.

I too am Dyslexic (why is dyslexia so hard to spell:rolleyes: ), I wear my watch on my right wrist, I eat left handed and my hand writing is terrible:eek:

There is one advantage that I have found to having slight left handedness. . . . . .

It does make unhooking bra's much easier:D (wife or girlfriends that is :lmao: )

im right handed but left eye dominant, i was also told i was dyslexic when i was younger but im not too bad now. i always use tools with my right hand and keep my sheaf on my right. i like the idea of cross draw but when i try it it just seems wrong:confused: if im looking through a telescope etc i use my left eye but always right when shooting. when i was in army cadets we used rifles that you could only fire from the right sholder so i had to teach myself to aim with my right eye and its stuck since.

Left handed.

Wear my watch on my left wrist (which confuses people)

All knives are worn in standard right handed sheaths on my right side, slightly angled to ease the draw.

I have tried left handed sheaths but find them "un-natural" to use (weird!). I also find it a pain in the posterior to have to pull most of my belt loops out to put on/take off the sheath.

Most things done left handed except batting at cricket (which i never play) and golf (which i never play!!!).

I can play badmington with either hand which is very annoying for my opponent.

One thing that strikes me.... do any lefties use their mouse with their left hand? i don't but i have always wondered:confused:
Interesting... I'm left handed. Multitool is usually on right. When I'm carrying sheath knives, worn on the left. That in spite of the Lapp Puukko still being in original right hand sheath.

Sometimes it frustrates me that so many things are designed for right handers, almost to the point of excluding left hand use. Right handers look at you like you have two heads when you complain but give them a pair of left handed scissors... :)

Mr Badger. Left handed and rubbish handwriting. Both traits are common amongst Dyslexics. Are you one as well? I suffered through education with slow, laborious and untidy handwriting. I was statmented as Dyslexic when I was 12. It's always intersesting to hear others experiences. I'm still having to figure out ways around everyday stuff that is difficult for me to do the same way as most people.

Please excuse the meandering from topic!

Dyslexics have more fnu.

No, I'm not dyslexic, I've always been a very keen reader and until the advent of word processors and then, full on computers, would be happy to scrawl away with a pen or pencil.My writing is legible and the spelling is not too bad really, it's just not nice and neat like my wife's handwriting:rolleyes:
Left handed.

Wear my watch on my left wrist (which confuses people)

All knives are worn in standard right handed sheaths on my right side, slightly angled to ease the draw.

I have tried left handed sheaths but find them "un-natural" to use (weird!). I also find it a pain in the posterior to have to pull most of my belt loops out to put on/take off the sheath.

Most things done left handed except batting at cricket (which i never play) and golf (which i never play!!!).

I can play badmington with either hand which is very annoying for my opponent.

One thing that strikes me.... do any lefties use their mouse with their left hand? i don't but i have always wondered:confused:

Me too, Lefty by nature; shoot right handed (but as well with left) squash right handed, knife on left, I do calligraphy as a hobby - which has its own challenges as all pens are right handed - and interestingly we lefties form our "O's" and other curly letters clockwise while you righties form them anti-clockwise - this means the nib carves up the paper if it's a righthanded one...... I lead with my right, can't dance save for a picaso-style assembly of various movement (but that's just an affliction) Chop with the right and play guitar right handed (it's useful having a strong left hand.. plus I'm diffy a didget on the right) :o(

By the way you lefties: how many of you write with the paper landscape and write downwards and how many write with a dog-leg hand above the paper? I'm a downwards as I don't smudge that way.
I'm left handed in all but eating and writing, but with practice i could write with my left. Shoot right handed but i could draw a bow with either. Both parents are left handed so i think that has something to do with me being ambidextrous. I can use a hammer/axe in both hands though.:D

Only thing I cannot do is write left handed.

Apprently typing, and piano is good for becoming ambidextrous, because you have to use the less dominate hand the same.
Me too, Lefty by nature; shoot right handed (but as well with left) squash right handed, knife on left, I do calligraphy as a hobby - which has its own challenges as all pens are right handed - and interestingly we lefties form our "O's" and other curly letters clockwise while you righties form them anti-clockwise - this means the nib carves up the paper if it's a righthanded one...... I lead with my right, can't dance save for a picaso-style assembly of various movement (but that's just an affliction) Chop with the right and play guitar right handed (it's useful having a strong left hand.. plus I'm diffy a didget on the right) :o(

By the way you lefties: how many of you write with the paper landscape and write downwards and how many write with a dog-leg hand above the paper? I'm a downwards as I don't smudge that way.

No i write "normally" just with my left hand!

Shoot right handed? Good God! it would be a massacre. I couldn't hit the side of a barn point blank shooting right handed!
Left handed.

Wear my watch on my left wrist (which confuses people)

All knives are worn in standard right handed sheaths on my right side, slightly angled to ease the draw.

I have tried left handed sheaths but find them "un-natural" to use (weird!). I also find it a pain in the posterior to have to pull most of my belt loops out to put on/take off the sheath.

Most things done left handed except batting at cricket (which i never play) and golf (which i never play!!!).

I can play badmington with either hand which is very annoying for my opponent.

One thing that strikes me.... do any lefties use their mouse with their left hand? i don't but i have always wondered:confused:

This is getting more fascinating every time I look in!

I find that a left handed sheath worn on the right, suits me quite well. The fact that the taper of the sheath is facing forward, seems to allow easier movement through undergrowth, at least that's how I find it anyway:)
I've always worn my watch on my left wrist, this has on occasion, foiled the classic joke, of asking someone who is holding a pint glass, the time, as I Always hold a glass in my right hand:D
Weirdly, now I think about it; I always hold cups in my LEFT hand:confused:
As far as having to undo belts to fit/remove the sheath, I use detachable loops, which makes life a lot easier.

All the best
P.S.: I just noticed, that the "thumbs up" icon is a left hand too:22: :D :D
Shewie said:
I`m naturally right handed at everything but I used to play cricket and golf left handed for some reason. I think it was something to do with having my dominant right side facing the target / bowler.

I go along with this - I bat left handed and bowl right handed. I also do almost all other thing right handed but don't go in for the crossdraw - something about the difference between a tool and a weapon... (can of worms now open:) )
strangely, Im right handed. I say strange because both my parents and their siblings are left handed.
strangely, Im right handed. I say strange because both my parents and their siblings are left handed.

Always thought you were strange now I know your right handed doubly so..:D ;)

As a foot note I shoot left handed but just before I left the RAF I had to shoot right handedly as the new gun is right hand only, still made the shooting team despite closing the wrong eye now and again..:)
im right handed but i do hold my knife and fork the wrong way.And im left eye dominant.When i was boxing i always had and still do a very accurate jab i box orthodox style.AS for shooting bows and guns i holld em right handed hence being a rubbish shot.
I am a lefty too. I have a concealed handgun permit and always have my gun on my left side. I carry knives, wallet, cell phone, watch, keys and possibles bag on the right side. I was taught to always leave the left hand open and available to draw if necessary. It seems that under stress, people are not able to drop what is in their gun hand to draw their gun.

I do most things with my left hand but I am fairly ambidextrous.

My wife did insist that I wear my wedding ring on my left hand.

David Enoch
I'm another ambidextrous dyslexic :), my spelling is awful (thank the gods for spell checkers) but oddly my handwriting is quite neat although very slow.

I normally use my right hand for everything but can do almost anything with my left if I put my mind to it. I can use right handed scissors in my left and left handed scissors in my right, just because in perverse :rolleyes: .

I wear my knife on my right though and use it in my right hand only.

It sucks. Wear watch on left wrist so that is left. I am lucky in some ways, but would really like my memory to work right. Do you find yourself doing things over, and over again so they slip into the other part of your memory, and stick

You've got that right, it took me ages to learn my left from right in school and I still have to stop every now and then and think "so which one of these is my right hand?". My short term memory is bad as well. I can learn something perfectly and then the next day not know where to start. Although its all still there and if I try to learn it again it all comes back quickly but goes again just as fast after i stop :( .
I am very much right handed normally but ambidextrous in a canoe and I am equally happy wearing my knife on either side.....
I used to be ambi.....untill I went to primary school where I was made to sit on my left hand to stop me from writing with it :eek:

Then when I started smithing I worked as a right hander as the whole forge was set up for my right handed boss

Now I write, shoot rifles, fence (ages back at school) and use most hafted tools right handed
Shoot bows left handed (right eye dominant, instinctive though so no sights needed)

Play pool right, throw darts right when sober and left if I've had a couple

Type left hand only but use the mouse with my right (comes of playing games alot)

And put nuts on with whichever hand twists it to tighten the nut (right hand if I facing it, left if its on the side away from me for a standard thread)

And carry my EDC in my left pocket but use it in the right hand. When I have carried a fixed blade its ridden on my right hip and been drawn backhanded

I'm Dyslexic (mainly with spelling, my reading has always been uncommonly good) and my hand writing looks like a spider has half drowned in the ink before walking across the page

BTW I find it easier to read a clock if its upside-down....any of us other bent-brains do that?
I'm Dyslexic (mainly with spelling, my reading has always been uncommonly good) and my hand writing looks like a spider has half drowned in the ink before walking across the page

I actually speed read, which is even more bizarre.

Have gone back to fountain pens, and my hand writing has got better. Just plain weird.

BTW I find it easier to read a clock if its upside-down....any of us other bent-brains do that?

Big reason why all those nice watches are a no no. Need a digital to keep sane. Analog, makes brain hurt!


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