Leather workshop by Tamarack.


Life Member
Aug 3, 2004
My first post on the site, but just had to everyone know about the great course that I went on last weekend!! A leathercraft course run by Tamarack.

The course started on saturday just before 9AM with a brew in the cabin that we were to be using as the workshop for the weekend. Over the brew introductions were done and met the owner, Mike rushton and the leather 'guru' instructor, Phil Wrigley. The aim of the weekend was to learn the skills, to come away with on sunday a bushcraft belt, knife sheath and a possibles pouch! The ratios are kept low and this pays off as you learn a heck of alot and can ask/be shown all sorts of things.
We started on the sheath first as this would take most of the time, what with dyeing, hot waxing, etc. It was customised to fit our own knives and we could add firesteel loops, attachements for neck wearing, different belt attachments, etc. About lunch time we stopped for some chicken soup, sarnies, etc. Another point to note, the food, brews, cake, etc, were all fresh and homemade, the soup coming from a dutch oven!:) The afternoon saw us start on our belts. Being bushcraft ones these go around our waists nearly twice for stropping, lashings, to carry wood, etc.
On the sunday we were able to treat these with some more layers, etc, whilst making our pouches. Although time did not permit for a wetformed pouch, Phil did take us through the process. Again another feast in the great location ( on the edge of the Trough of Bowland Forest ), and even time to nip down to the Tamarack shop nearby, at ten minutes away. If ever you are in this part of the world it is very much worth popping in, as it a bushcrafters treasure chest of kit.
Lunch over it was back to it with the finishing off of the items we produced. To say we were very chuffed with our creations is an under statement, and I still get a daft but satisfied grin on my face when I look at the kit, especially the sheath!!
Thanks go to all the Tamarack team, but especially Phil Wrigley who passed on his knowledge in a very easy manner, cheers Phil.
All in all a course that I would definitively recommend to anybody interested in the subject, not only do you walk away with kit that nearly pays for the course itself, but the skills to go on to create custom gear forever.:)


PS. Will try and do the photo thing soon, so you can have a look!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.