Leather Quiver. first attempt...


Bushcrafter through and through
Fancied a quiver tae hold my dwindling supply of arrows and my bow limbs so i only have tae carry my riser when out walking tae my shooting spot.

Tis made of veg tan leather splits with a 4mm veg tan base and laced up with suede. some paw prints were stamped in and embossed a runic band that reads 'swift flight' in Futhark.

nae satisfied at all at how it turned out, seemed tae hold together much better in my mind :lmao: so shall most likely make myself another one at some stage


By wanderingpict at 2012-02-07


By wanderingpict at 2012-02-07


By wanderingpict at 2012-02-07


By wanderingpict at 2012-02-07

had a great frosty and misty morning for photos in my graveyard :)

thanks for looking at my failed attempt hoping tae produce a better version soon but for now this does me as the only person thats gonnae really see it is me and my haybale enemies



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oooh I like that a lot! Despite what you think of it Dreadhead I think that's pretty damn spiffing. Love that lacing down the back. looks like Robin Hood's just got robbed! :lmao: it has that old look about it already. Nice job mate.

Know what you mean about losing arrows. I got given 12 for Christmas a couple of years ago. They came naturally as matt black. mayeb the seller of them thought he was onto a bonanza and people would always be coming back to buy more as they lose them. Me being me painted mine day glo orange and put a bit of reflective tape around the shaft just below the fletchings. Figured I could find 'em in the dark that way too. Works OK and I've only lost one so far.
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Nov 29, 2004
That is extremely cool, great work!

But you should post a photo of you running about the wilds with it, like this one...


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Bushcrafter through and through
That is extremely cool, great work!

But you should post a photo of you running about the wilds with it, like this one...



hahaha yesss! love it. when im fit and recovered again i shall certainly be back out racing around the hills in full battledress :eek:

thanks for the kind comments much appreciated. the quiver just aint robust enough for me, came across too many problems making it so the next one should be bombproof


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
Looks Great. Cant see whats wrong with it. :cool:
You'll have to do a tutorial, so I dont make the same mistakes when I attempt to make one/


Bushcrafter through and through
Thanks again for the kind replies. i have about 20 sq foot of leather splits so wont be long before aggravation sets in and i make another quiver. a tutorial should be easy. i forgot i do have a picture of this quiver in the making will upload it later


Bushcrafter through and through
thanks. nah those arrows belong tae water gypsy and are just cheap rubbish ones. i dont shoot seriously enough yet tae produce quality arrows. still looking for some of my rubbish ones in a tatty field! have also lost some of her home made ones


Full Member
Mar 15, 2009
Nice work. Will have a look for some photos of mine. I've never found a quiver that is just right but I still like finding out what is wrong with them.


May 2, 2010
Kamloops, B.C.
You know what, thats right nice!!:cool:

Good work feller!

I like back quivers but in practice they get on my thru'pennies a bit but I am thinking of another (better) one with 3 straps but that looks bang on.


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