Leather carving


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 21, 2007
Recently I have been looking alot at carving and tooling leather, and after being inspired by Rancid badger and Topknots work thought I would give it a go, the other reason was that the piece of leather I was working with had a couple of marks in it and it seemed like a good idea at the time, now its not perfect by any means but I quite like it. The design is bassed on some Maori patterns that I was looking at.



I think I will invest in some tools and give this another go, can anyone recomend any?.
I fancy having a go at an Owl next.

Sorry about the pics camera wont focus in that well.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 21, 2007
RB 2 nice job,you can get all the tools from leprevo online.


Cheers Bernie, no where near RB skill, but fun to do though.

Mesquite, I managed to borrow a tool from a friend, he thinks it was his Dads, its a deer foot stylus.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Well impressed with that Simon! :35:

Can't compare my scratchings with Topknots work however:notworthy
his work is true craftsmanship, of the highest order but thank you very much:eek:

I'd say you've got it well and truly sus'd there, you've figured out how to do the marking/engraving and best of all; you've got a really good repeat going.
I'm terrible at reproducing patterns, I can't explain what it is but I never quite get them to look the way I want, so tend to avoid them and go for "abstract":D

Don't be tempted to buy a load of tools mind you, unless you want to start working towards the work Topknot does. I would advise experimenting with various odds and ends.
You can get a cheap set of wax carving tools like these:


for about £3.50 from cheap tool shops, We have one up here called Parkers tools, i don't know if its a chain/franchise but there are similar shops in most towns.
Some of them start to bend if you press a bit too hard! but you can figure out what you actually need, then upgrade to the better leather modeling tools later;)
You can also chop these about and make your own custom tools to complement your "proper" gear.

Very best wishes Simon and don't wait too long before doing some more.

EDIT: Sorry I had to add; that the pattern is actually captivating, I was just looking at it again and it really does draw the eye in to the design-fantastic-honestly, I love it. Steve:notworthy


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 21, 2007
Thanks RB.:)

It took some concentration to replicate the pattern thats for sure lol.

Thanks for the tool tip, they look like just the job for experimenting with, good price too, I'll have to do a google search arround as we dont have a parkers round here.

Thanks again.


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