Farm kids grow up with outdoor skills taught by the rest of the family.
I'm convinced that the kids never see it coming but you learn in conversation that they can do it all.
Chances are, city kids are raised by family who have no more outdoor skills to offer.
Not much wrong with that, many have no aspirations to cook a sausage over a smokey little fire
in the pouring rain in the middle of nowhere! Please pass the mustard.
Smells like chicken soup, looks like powdered orance juice and tastes like coffee.
The cross-over might be farm people moving into the towns and cities
yet encouraging their youth to pick up on the comforts of living in the outdoors.
Essentially, this is what happened to me. I was highly employable for my "outdoorsmanship".
This lifestyle was seperate and apart from the quickly learned job skills for limnology.
One summer, the nearest road was some 50 miles away by river and I was happy with that.
Aircraft dumps of food and fuel and I got out some 4 months later. Easy living off the grid, too.
I can't believe that youth today go looking for much as wilderness experiences.
Too bad, but the best we can do is leave an open offer.
In fact, I have to sit on my hands.
Maybe my grandsons get a sniff of the outdoors but that is not for me to decide.