Next doors cat ate my kipper!
So I thought I would enter this instead.....
I will enter it into the bought blade section - but really I traded the blade for an electronic version of my "A Basic Guide to making your own Budget Bushcrafting Equipment" book so actual cost to me £0.000000000000000000000000000000000001
The glue I made from conifer resin, charcoal dust and shavings off a beeswax candle I got from a charity shop. I foraged the resin, made my own charcoal from my own willow trees in the fire at home so total cost £0.00000000000002.
The Rawhide was made from a dog chew that cost £3.00 but I only used less than 1/10 of it so that cost about £0.20
The leather for the sheath was scraps from another project and I value the lot at about £0.25
So Materials for the knife in total - a little less than £0.46
Tang blunted and handle cut to size and slot cut for blade
Fitting the blade
Glueing the blade
lashing the blade in with wet rawhide
Knife wet lashed and finished sheath - I forgot to take photos of the making of the sheath...
I will add photos as the build progresses ... though there is only really trimming the rawhide once it is dry and oiling the handle to do....